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Under steering wheel panel


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2014
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City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Ford Explorer XLT
My 1997 has some wires dangling from under the panel below the steering wheel where the pop hood latch is. I was wondering where/ how to get it off. It is clearly seperate than the whole dash piece.

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Look for a couple screws along the bottom edge. Then the cover should come up and out. Then there is another plate behind it that comes off with a few more screws.

I pulled the two screws out and it isn't even remotely loose or sliding

Look for more screws.

Dangling wires in that area may be from an alarm.
The 2 screws you removed were the visible ones. There are two more holding the hood release on. Tip: Just pop the hood open when removing the hood release, let's you hold the handle in the open position to get at the screws better.

I've taken off that panel so many times.. Most recent time was yesterday to fix a little wiring issue.. took me 15 minutes.
It's not hard, just have 7 and 8mm sockets.

Hopefully you know what I'm describing. The wires dangling are the black wire with an o-ring on the end. The other is a 2 prong plug with a one slot rail with a red and black wire. Very small. Both are part of the big cluster of wires and one appears to come out of the "sub" cluster from the big cluster.

I obviously got in the panel and wondering where the wires go. Everything works. The panic button, nothing's broken all performance is good. No error lights. What could they go to and not cause a system malfunction?

Hopefully you know what I'm describing. The wires dangling are the black wire with an o-ring on the end. The other is a 2 prong plug with a one slot rail with a red and black wire. Very small. Both are part of the big cluster of wires and one appears to come out of the "sub" cluster from the big cluster.

Ok, you've got a 97 so the colors should be exactly the same as mine.
Can you take a picture of it and show me? I can check under my dash since I'm under there every few weeks. :eek:

Ok, you've got a 97 so the colors should be exactly the same as mine.
Can you take a picture of it and show me? I can check under my dash since I'm under there every few weeks. :eek:

Yeah what's the best way to send it to you? I couldn't find anything obvious where they should go.

Upload it to Imgur or another picture sharing site, and then post the large forum link here.

I think it should. Never tried, but don't see why not.





Fixed it. :)

Nothing on the Explorer uses that small a connector. It's as I suspected, for an alarm. Looks like the plug for a shock sensor of an After market alarm.

The amount of butt connectors and crimps there.. oh god.
I would personally rip out all that crappy old alarm wiring. Follow the wiring up to see if it connects to a small black box. You may still have that alarm in there.

But, it shouldn't effect anything if left how it is.



Fixed it. :)

Nothing on the Explorer uses that small a connector. It's as I suspected, for an alarm. Looks like the plug for a shock sensor of an After market alarm.

The amount of butt connectors and crimps there.. oh god.
I would personally rip out all that crappy old alarm wiring. Follow the wiring up to see if it connects to a small black box. You may still have that alarm in there.

But, it shouldn't effect anything if left how it is.

Haha sweet thanks! Nobody ever changed the alarm so oh well. I just taped them up to the backside of the cross bar thing. All is well I guess. Everything works so I'm not going to screw with it!

Did you buy it used? If so, someone put an after market alarm in it for sure, and just left it there.

Happens all the time.

Did you buy it used? If so, someone put an after market alarm in it for sure, and just left it there.

Happens all the time.

Yeah I baught it used. I know the only other owner though and have all his records for the car. I'm truely supprised

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