School me on radiators | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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School me on radiators


Moderator Emeritus
February 5, 2003
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City, State
Germantown, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer
I'm looking for a radiator that has the inlet/outlet on the same side -- unlike the Chevy and ford radiators with opposing inlet/outlet ports.

Is it true that this design only exists in some Dodge vehicles (like the Dart) or did other make/model come with similar design?



  • same_side.jpg
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I'm pretty sure I've seen that design in some semi's...but I don't recall what types.:scratch:

I might just be confused:confused: though. It would be too big anyway. What do you need one for?

I'm pretty sure I've seen that design in some semi's...but I don't recall what types.:scratch:
Well that might be a little big ... might as well use the radiator as the chassis at that point :p:. Slightly smaller than the stock Explorer size (~20" x ~23" for the 98+) would even work since the extra piping will probably more than make up for the lost volume.
And yeah MountaineerGree[n] is correctooo.

Thanks for the links Mbrooks420 -- that Impala/Biscayne looks like it'll work great :thumbsup:

I run one of those in my Jeep. Awesome radiator. It is a double pass radiator is why the hoses are on 1 side. It has a baffle in the hose side tank so it forces the water to go through the radiator 2x for more efficient cooling. I got mine new from ebay. It is an Afco n-series aluminum double pass radiator and I really like it.

Those ebay links above are probably not a double pass since they are stock-ish radiators.
