Scotty J's 2002 Ranger - January 2010 Truck of the Month | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scotty J's 2002 Ranger - January 2010 Truck of the Month

Our truck of the month this month is a nice looking ranger. Scotty J came to us with a ranger and then just started having fun. Here is to your great looking ranger


After 3" Body Lift and With 285/75 R16 (33"x12.5") tires and Cragar 16"x8" Soft 8 Wheels



The Fender Mash:





4x4 with 4.0 SOHC 6 Banger

JBA Cat4ward Headers

K&N Generation II FIPK Filtercharger Injection Performance Kit

3" Body Lift

Cragar Soft 8 Wheels 16x8"

285/75 R16 BFG TA KO

Where he wants to go (for starters anyway):
Dixon Bros Ranger/Explorer 4wd Long Travel Suspension (with optional Hydraulic Bumpstop Mount and Steering Clevis Kit)
Dixon Bros Ranger Bed Cage
Dixon Bros Shock Tabs for Rear Spring Plate
Ford Ranger Deaver Springs F31

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Easily one of the coolest non-SAS (for now :p: ) Ranger on the site! :cool: :thumbsup:

...Congrats on the TOTM...:salute:



WOW, that's awesome y'all! I'm am very humbled by this recognition. It means a lot considering the great rides on this forum. Again, it's a great honor to be recognized by my peers.

I'm loven' the truck and the orvpark band-aid that's too funny.. :thumbsup:

Had to dig up m old screen name and come show some support for my budy. Congrats Scotty! You are off to a bangin' start on your project.

The band aid is great!
