Seasons Greetings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seasons Greetings


New Member
December 27, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Harare, Zimbabwe
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Ranger
Hello All,

I am excited to be part of this community. I own a red Ford Ranger 1998 version. This was a dream car for me and I was lucky to be the second owner. I am the only one in Zimbabwe with this vehicle. It has given me tremendous joy in my motoring.

I will be keen to hear from colleagues how to access spares and accessories. I love to write and have wide ranging experiences from this part of the world.

Happy holidays,


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Welcome Pedro:chug:

We would be very happy to hear about your adventures in Africa!

Welcome. That is a scenic country you live in. Any pics of Victoria falls, elephants or those nasty crocs?
How much is petrol over there? And hope you find some really useful info from this site.

Thanks all for the instant responses. Indeed Zimbabwe is beautiful. I have considerable amount of pictures but I will need to figure out how best to convert them to the format required. I was in Mozambique in November this year. The main roads are tarred but the rest are dirt roads or just link roads. I went to Beira about 300 km from Zimbabwe's eastern border town. I then drove into the jungles in the area. There were no roads in most areas but my vehicle performed miracles for me. Especially considering that it just a 4X2. It managed to pull through muddy pools. A thing to share, I lost control on an elevated road in areas where there are perennially flooded. Possibly some have seem the scenes on CNN. I went down 4 metres and thought I would overturn or crash. Unbelievably my ranger was handleable on the decline and I managed to stop at a steep angle without overturning. From that incident I have high respect for my Ford.

In relative terms its fuel consumption at 1liter for 7 kilometers is high for this part of the world. Fuel is a big problem in Zimbabwe. There are long queues for erratic deliveries to the general public. I buy relatively expensive fuel at US$1 per liter from Caltex. This guarantees access to fuel at selected spots right round the country. I have to manage my routing and fuel stocks such that I can be on the road all the time.

Compliments of the new year and happy motoring. Bye for now,


My Ford Ranger has 14 inch rims that take 225/70/14 tires. These tires are not available in ZImbabwe and South Africa. Does anybody know if this vehicle can take 15 or 16 inch rims whose tires are easily available.


