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Seat is cracking


February 10, 2013
City, State
dallas, tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 explorer xlt
My driver side leather seat is cracked. It's a 2013, bought it in December and has about 6K miles. I have always had leather seats and I have never had any issues. Does anyone else have this problem?

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cracked as in a hole/slice or just wrinkles? My drivers seat is wrinkled and almost has a wave look to the bottom.

Post up a picture please. If it is cracked then you should get a new seat.

is it the regular leather or the perforated leather? "cracking" and "wrinkles" are 2 different things, post up a pic and lets see if it's normal wear or bad piece of cowhide. lol

How did you get a 2103 MY?........you really got pull at Ford LOL!

Tears/cracks won't be covered by warranty, they will blame your pants/jeans for causing that... Check your jeans for any of those metal stubs/pins/decorations in the underside.

The seats in my 2011 F350 started to do the exact same thing after a couple months of me owning it. I took it into my dealership and they sent a picture to Ford and they replaced my seat. A few months later my passenger seat started to do the exact same thing and they replaced it as well.

My driver side leather seat is cracked. It's a 2013, bought it in December and has about 6K miles. I have always had leather seats and I have never had any issues. Does anyone else have this problem?

Hi esw2005,

I recommend making an appointment at your dealership so they can take a look at your seat. Additionally, I can get this into the hands of your regional customer service manager; just send me a PM with your preferred servicing dealership and current mileage. I'll get the ball rolling!


I am fine with wrinkles but what I am talking about should not be happening. I have the non perforated seats. The seat is cracked as in a whole, many wholes to be exact. The cracks(wholes) are very fine, so its hard to get a good picture but I will see what I can do. This is my fifth vehicle with leather and I have never had this issue before.


Thanks for your concern. I am already in contact with a regional customer service manager due to my many issues with my new Explorer. Unfortunately dealerships/Ford does not care about their customers enough to provide a rent car, so I have to wait til next week when I have two days off in a row. At that time I will be addressing my other issues as well.

Take off the spiky leather chaps and report back after a few weeks of use. Seems like its something the user is doing rather than a fault with Ford. ..or you just have really bad luck with leather

My driver's seat cover was also replaced under warranty because of material degredation. The "leather" seats are really "pleather" not true leather, so they can be prone to cracking and peeling.

Well your seats may be pleather but the seating surfaces in my Ex are real leather! Don't know where you are getting your info from!

Well your seats may be pleather but the seating surfaces in my Ex are real leather! Don't know where you are getting your info from!

From me seeing them come apart. They are definitely a pleather. It may be a very thin leather veneer, but the rest is not...:thumbdwn: On mine, the top .010" or so of what might have been a thin leather veneer peeled off.

I was looking at a used EX, and noticed a mark on the seat. It was a good sized gouge. No doubt it was a decent cut of hide.

Seat Wear

We just purchased our 2014 Limited, but I've noticed that as I climb in and out I am sliding over the seat bolster on the seat base. Based on previous vehicles I've had I expect this to cause a lot of wear on the leather. Has anyone seen issues here, or does anyone have recomendations to keep the seats looking good? Previously we had a 2004 Eddie Bauer which had smoother seats for sliding in and out, as well as step bars to make getting in a bit easier. My wife really misses those.

As for keeping them looking good, regular cleaning and conditioning will help. Also, there are several side step options for the Explorer that can help ease entry and exit.

Our driver's seat bottom cushion is slightly wrinkled, but the leather surface itself is fine, with no wear related blemishes. The side bolster on the seat back on the other hand is showing considerable wear to the point that the leather finish has rubbed through to raw leather. We pointed this out the first time we brought the car in with our big list of fix-its several thousand miles ago and Ford blew it off as normal wear and tear. Bull! If it was normal, the bottom cushion, which receives a greater amount of abuse from pivoting and sliding out of the vehicle would show the same wear. We cried fowl, and Ford customer service (the regional manager Wendy Grissom-Eisenhauer) blew us off. Our friend's Edge has 36,000 miles on it and his seat shows no wear at all. Looks like YMMV.

We just purchased our 2014 Limited, but I've noticed that as I climb in and out I am sliding over the seat bolster on the seat base. Based on previous vehicles I've had I expect this to cause a lot of wear on the leather. Has anyone seen issues here, or does anyone have recomendations to keep the seats looking good? Previously we had a 2004 Eddie Bauer which had smoother seats for sliding in and out, as well as step bars to make getting in a bit easier. My wife really misses those.
Welcome to the Forum Inglewood Jack.:wavey:
As I mentioned in my PM to you, I have moved your post to this thread. There are also several threads by members on how to look after and clean the seats.


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Kind of off topic but;

Does anyone know if a car upholstery shop can re upholster the perforated leather seats? Just curious. Mine are OK.
