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See new ex Interceptor on TV


Well-Known Member
July 14, 2011
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Fairfield, Ca
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2012 AWD Limited
For those who want to see the new ex Interceptor it's on the Speed Channel right now in the Craftsman Truck final race, NASCAR. :D
It's the pace truck!

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Last Sunday while out in Clewiston Fl. (Hendry County) there were two EX. patrol vehicles all marked out and looking good. I noticed they did not have the police interceptor badge on the back like the CV's did.

The Mass State Police already have at least one. I saw it at Logan Airport back in September.

The actual Police Interceptor versions are not in production until January. So what you saw was retail Explorers dressed up with Police markings and equipment.

You can always ID a REAL Interceptor by the gear shift Only the Interceptor version has steering column shifters in both the Sedan and Utility. Between the front seats is 9" space for equipment consoles.

There will be Interceptor badging on the real version as well. Exactly what that will be hasn't been decided. Advisory Board asked for the rear hatch chrome Explorer Appliqué to be replaced with flat black appliqué that says "Interceptor"

Yeah i was wondering about the new ex police cars, my town has two:


Anybody know the push bumper model they use on the Ex? I know it isn't setina or go ghino. Looking for it for mine to mount a couple speakers to. And if a push bumper will work with the EB engine.

Anybody know the push bumper model they use on the Ex? I know it isn't setina or go ghino. Looking for it for mine to mount a couple speakers to.

Setina special build for the Ex, check out their website its on there now

Those Explorers in the picture are retail Explorers. A few Agencies wanted to test how they would work before the actual Interceptor versions were released in January.

You can tell by the chrome on them and the non pursuit rated wheels

Check out the police only wheels here;

Setina special build for the Ex, check out their website its on there now

That IS new. I thought Pro Guard made one but cannot find specific model. I just hope these can work with Ecoboost.

The Mass State Police already have at least one. I saw it at Logan Airport back in September.

I saw them earlier this month at the air port.

I know this is off the subject...but it seems that Ford decided to push the Ex with the 3.7 and not the 3.5 Eco Boost engine. They REALLY must not want to do this for some crazy reason!! I wish they would then once the first EX to be wrecked with the 3.5L would be dissected!

I know this is off the subject...but it seems that Ford decided to push the Ex with the 3.7 and not the 3.5 Eco Boost engine. They REALLY must not want to do this for some crazy reason!! I wish they would then once the first EX to be wrecked with the 3.5L would be dissected!

My understanding from talking to some of the engineers was that dropping in the 3.7L V6 was easier then the EcoBoost 3.5L.

Meaning that the 3.7L was easy bolt in with minor modifications but the EB was significantly more work with having to then add cooling, radiators, clearance to hood, etc etc.

Sgt any words on the light for the hatch? Still looking or a retro, but will wait if the interceptor application will work. Our County Sheriffs department just ordered 4 of the Ex's.

Does anyone know if the front end in regards to the radiators and everything else in there is the same between the two engines? I am wanting a push bumper however concerned about the EB possibly being different up front thus a push bumper would not fit. I am assuming one would fit the V6 since the police interceptor has one. I have been unable to confirm whether or not a push bumper will fit the EB Ex. I would consider having it custom installed however there is not a lot of places that I found looking in the grille for attach points for a push bumper since there is nothing but radiator in there.

Does anyone know if the front end in regards to the radiators and everything else in there is the same between the two engines? I am wanting a push bumper however concerned about the EB possibly being different up front thus a push bumper would not fit. I am assuming one would fit the V6 since the police interceptor has one. I have been unable to confirm whether or not a push bumper will fit the EB Ex. I would consider having it custom installed however there is not a lot of places that I found looking in the grille for attach points for a push bumper since there is nothing but radiator in there.

My understanding is the Setina prototype bar you currently see on the Interceptors is bolted onto the frame underneath so it would be the same regardless of engine choice.

I'm sure if you called Setina they would send you their installation instructions via email.

My understanding is the Setina prototype bar you currently see on the Interceptors is bolted onto the frame underneath so it would be the same regardless of engine choice.

I'm sure if you called Setina they would send you their installation instructions via email.

I was just more concerned about the front end being the same or not. I was gonna call them soon. I called proguard. They said they weren't making any for 2011+ Ex ever (bs since I have seen one on an Ex). Thanks!

I think the Proguard reps just don't understand that the Interceptor Pre-Production Vehicle (PPV) builds they have seen out are actually 2013 builds. They just don't grasp it when they see them in 2011. I know there is no difference in the front end. The only difference is Police radiator is significantly bigger then even the retail tow package radiator.

I think the Proguard reps just don't understand that the Interceptor Pre-Production Vehicle (PPV) builds they have seen out are actually 2013 builds. They just don't grasp it when they see them in 2011. I know there is no difference in the front end. The only difference is Police radiator is significantly bigger then even the retail tow package radiator.

So from the sounds of it a push bumper designed for the PI/PPV (whatever it will be called: police package vehicle or police interceptor) should fit a civillian Ex regardless of V6 or EB engines.

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So from the sounds of it a push bumper designed for the PI/PPV (whatever it will be called: police package vehicle or police interceptor) should fit a civillian Ex regardless of V6 or EB engines.

Yes, and here is a picture for you.

It will be the Ford Police Interceptor Utility, Ford is the only one that can use "Interceptor"

