Shaved Badges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shaved Badges


Well-Known Member
October 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Worcester, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer
I just shaved the badges on the rear hatch (which was incredibly easy), but you can still see where the letters were, due to the truck being 7 years old. Is there anything I can do to color match this a little better, or will I have to wait until a paint job?

I'd think a good buff job would even it out. Or a good waxing should help even it out as well :)

Use a good cleaner wax. Some clay bar or dish soap first should help too.


Wash with dish soap to remove any wax residue

Either buff, claybar or use some polishing compound on that area to blend the oxidation marks.

Rewax (do a couple coats there, and the polishing compound can take off a heafty amount of clearcoat)


I've done it with polishing compound (#7 grit I believe) and it worked wonders.
