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Heres mine
also blueka awesome job on pickle!:thumbsup:

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Hey Simon, I see that you threw lights on the luggage rack thing, is there much of a curve or do they level out well? I'm picky as hell about that kinda thing but this is the easiest way to mount lights up there.

They're not too bad.. It works how I want it to, so I'm not too bothered.. ideal for working on the driveway at night...


Sometimes I wish I'd never seen this thread...I'd still have money in the bank! Those "ideas" usually turn into reality, and one "idea" leads to another, then another, and so on. But honestly, no regrets. These big boy toys keep us out of trouble. At least that's what I keep telling my girlfriend.

Bet you're gonna miss that Cobra. I'd have a hard time parting with that. I notice that a lot of the guys on here, including myself, also have a Mustang. We could probably start a whole new thread on here with Explorer/Stang combo pics.

I do miss the Cobra, but wasn't looking forward to paying on both the X and the Cobra and gas prices going up.

96 xlt

Here are pics of my recently done 96 XLT. Did an SOA and redrilled flanges to 6 on 5.5 to match the SAS wagoneer D44 NT in the front. Runs 35x12.50x15 BFG KM2's on 15x10 Sidebiters. They stick out about 3 inches, going to use different rims later to pull in the tires. And a little 3500 lb winch for the ATV's...




Here are pics of the rims, MT Sidebiters, 15x10's


Looks awesome! Do you have any better pics of those sidebiters? Hows the paint hold up on them. I've been thinking about a set myself.

They are about 5 years old now and holding up pretty well. there are some dings from stones, but nothing bad at all. Ill get pics posted tomorrow or i can PM them to you.

Here are pics of my recently done 96 XLT. Did an SOA and redrilled flanges to 6 on 5.5 to match the SAS wagoneer D44 NT in the front. Runs 35x12.50x15 BFG KM2's on 15x10 Sidebiters. They stick out about 3 inches, going to use different rims later to pull in the tires. And a little 3500 lb winch for the ATV's...

that thing is awesome man! great work. love the clearance lights. also is the grill guard home made dont think ive seen any like that.

Yes, I welded up the grille guard using 1/4" steel plate and 3"x1"x 1/8" tube. I welded a 2"x1/8" flat stock (1 piece each side) on the edge of the 1/4" plate, hammered it round over the top, and put the rubber molding over it giving it that finished look. Took about 2 hours to make and paint. Used the spray on bed liner.

Yes, I welded up the grille guard using 1/4" steel plate and 3"x1"x 1/8" tube. I welded a 2"x1/8" flat stock (1 piece each side) on the edge of the 1/4" plate, hammered it round over the top, and put the rubber molding over it giving it that finished look. Took about 2 hours to make and paint. Used the spray on bed liner.

looks real good for only 2 hours worth of work ill say that! also what roof lights do you have mounted to the rail? are they bright enough at night?

need help on torsion bar lift

I read some different forums on torsion bar lifts and found some helpful stuff. I'm very mechanical but when I went to do the torsion bar lift one side is tightened all the way and the other side hasnt been touched at all and the thing sits perfectly level any ideas do they make aftermarket torsion bar keys or wedges of any sort if so could you help me please or direct me to the correct forum. Thank You

They are Hella FF75 driving lights that I took the stock 55w bulb out and put in 100w ones instead. Much better in terms of distance, but it kills my battery voltage with the stock alternator.

Some like the FF50's and convert them to HID, i like the FF75's better.

Might want to get a "Green" alternator. Many jeeps use them and put out a lot of amps. Green is the make - not because of the enviroment. Also - make sure your truck is moving when using the 100w bulbs. I found that they can get too hot without the air cooling them.

i definitely wouldnt have sold the centerlines for those haha..

mine were super beat up, but it was a tough wheel.


Thanks Premier, I wanted something "shiny" and wider. Already none too happy with the quality of the new wheels. They havent seen much use at all, no snow, no salt, occasional rain, and they already have "spots" in them. I do like the look of them but seems like the Made in China quality is exactly that, made in China to exacting specificiations... Exacting being cheaply and quickly mass produced... The washers under the lugs have already rusted...

Nice Sport by the way Premier!!

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Got some new stuff done to her! 3" BL on 35's :)




1" away from not clearing parking garges with the full size spare up there :)

Total setup is TT, shackes, 3" BL, 35x12.50x15 plus a full size spare, custom front and rear bumpers, off road lights, cb, camo headliner, and neons..

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