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Photos show off your LOWERED truck

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Damn Matt that looks nice. Are those 18's w/255/55/18 tires?

245/55/18.....thanks for the compliment.

ya'll need to give me 3 more weeks to get the paint done

so i'll post some old ones of when she was an x for now


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Matt, Is that tire size smaller than the 255/55/18 and appear to be lower profile? Its hard to tell with the shading. Do you have a pic in good light around the tire?

yes, the tire is just 1 centimeter shorter than a 255/55/18 and about 1 centimeter narrower than the 255. here is an older pic with the old chrome bumper, you can se the tires a little better.

why get smaller tires like that?

245/55 is just a tad bit shorter than stock and its a little wider than stock, so its not like a rubber band tire....besides i can get this size for a lot cheaper than a 255/55/18

hahaha I am half tempted to post a pic of my truck in here just like you street guys always sneak one into the lifted truck posts! I could justify it by saying my lift springs have sagged a little so the truck has efectivly been "lowered" from where it once was :)


but I wont!

Trucks look great guys! I will have a lowered Ranger or Explorer toy

there has to be more than this

xploda01 said:
245/55 is just a tad bit shorter than stock and its a little wider than stock, so its not like a rubber band tire....besides i can get this size for a lot cheaper than a 255/55/18

Thanks for the response. If you don't mind me asking, how much was that tire/rim set-up?

ok, ill be the first 1st gen thats lowered to post pics. let me warn you, he aint pretty like everyone elses...


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My new truck....

Dirt? not me man


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Loving that S/T spindle ;)

Here's my X...


I only have one lowered truck...

all the way down

aired all the way up

and here is a shot of the xploder and the ranger together..

you know im a fan of that truck because its obvously a work in progress, there is still stock tail lights on there and because it is very clean!

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if your talking about mine the tails are sort of stock tails. The ones on the truck now are off of a 2000 Ranger so they are all red with the clear on the bottom. My truck is a 95 so factory it cam with the 3 color tails (red/amber/clear).. I think I am going to keep the stock tails most people go with something different so with stock tails I would be one of few at the show..

So far I've shaved the antennae, keyholes, stakeholes, emblems, tailgate handle. The Ford emblem on the rear has been frenched in the tailgate since I like the emblem on the rear and wanted to be different, and a roll pan with the tag on the drivers side was added. I gotta shave the gas door and the drain rails at the top and then it should be ready for paint..
