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i agree 03explorerspt, i got a set of those for mine, those are nice rims and they look great and make it look factory. Im actually thinking of upgrading to a set of 17"s off a limited or maybe 18"s so i can run my brembo brakes eventually...

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wow some of you guys have too much money to spend

i would settle for a nice set of Black RockCrawlers for my Ex

OK, I seen 3 sets of tires and rims I really like. But I need more info on them. Like brand, size, problems, etc. I loved these 3 -

1) jonjones80 - most excellent and clean

2) 5.0mountaineer - I need those rims. LOL

3) Haggard - trade ya mine for yours. ROFL

Can you guys get ahold of me by PM and let me know some details on your mags, especially costs and comfort of the ride.


18x7.5" Enkei Shurikens

...wrapped in 225/40/18 Kuhmo 711s (on my cavalier)


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udmsvt, you are lucky winter is almost finish. Those Kuhmos 711 suck on snow. I have a set on my wife's truck and its about all useless on an inch of snow.

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
udmsvt, you are lucky winter is almost finish. Those Kuhmos 711 suck on snow. I have a set on my wife's truck and its about all useless on an inch of snow.

......but anything is better than bald 205/55/16 Goodyear Eagle RSAa.......its pretty bad when you spin out a cavalier at 60mph! I figure I'll deal with these for now, and by next winter, the stock rims wil be wrapped in 205/55/16 Bridgestone Blizzaks or Michelin Alpins

Basically, the Kuhmo 711s were the cheapest 225/40/18 that i could find; $73 ea + $30 for shipping= $322.48 shipped to my door (note: I ordered tem thurs morning and got them Fri evening!) i have a bad habit of not keeping a car more than 18 mos. (although the rims have a dual drill pattern, 5x100 and 5x4.5)



ooohhhhhh....i'm liking that; but only on a white vehicle.

Don't laugh.

(dead links)

LMAO!!! I wish I had a pimpin bigwheel like that when I was a youngster. :D

Its amazing how wheels have changed. WHen i made this 20's were very rare. Now everyone has 20's and 15's are getting rare!

Its amazing how wheels have changed. WHen i made this 20's were very rare. Now everyone has 20's and 15's are getting rare!

I would'nt say that. 17's are the new 15's now really. But your right, is was not long ago when 17's factory were rare!

So here are two 17's:p:





While I see a lot of nice looking wheels, I think I'll just stick with my ol' 15s.


Well, I guess they're not really "old". I've had them less than a month. It's a classic design though.

I'll play. My crager sort 8's. 15/8

My brothers Fiance.

My explorer on 30x9.50 and his Wrangler on 32x11.50 with the same wheels.

They're under there somewhere!

I would'nt say that. 17's are the new 15's now really. But your right, is was not long ago when 17's factory were rare

Its cause your still towin with a Ford. haha. Us dodge guys have had 20's for a while! :D


Its cause your still towin with a Ford. haha. Us dodge guys have had 20's for a while! :D

No..just towing with a small Ford, if I had a SD, i'd be running 22.5's :D

Haha, i hear ya. I got a 1500 and someday i hope to have a super duty or cummins. Dream big.

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i'll play
here are my 15x8 us wheel daytona's w/ fusion painted factory caps

loaded up for our annual OBX trip
