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Simmons t-stat housing


June 24, 2020
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2003 sport/2000 302 mount
If anyone is looking to upgrade their sohc thermostat housing the Simmons 1 piece metal housing is worth every penny what a beauty of a replacement part it's high quality and is indeed a better choice than a 2 piece metal housing or the shoddy plastic one

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If anyone is looking to upgrade their sohc thermostat housing the Simmons 1 piece metal housing is worth every penny what a beauty of a replacement part it's high quality and is indeed a better choice than a 2 piece metal housing or the shoddy plastic one

Agreed. I installed one on my SOHC ST last month. Super nice piece! Not cheap, but worth the price IMO. Fit and works perfectly. I also purchased their new bolts and sender/sensor clips. He also has a new bottom gasket available, which you can install with, or without, the OEM style square-ring.

Agreed. I installed one on my SOHC ST last month. Super nice piece! Not cheap, but worth the price IMO. Fit and works perfectly. I also purchased their new bolts and sender/sensor clips. He also has a new bottom gasket available, which you can install with, or without, the OEM style square-ring.
That bottom gasket is a beauty I love the extra sealing protection it's worth every penny knowing you don't have a ticking plastic bomb under the hood

Still cheaper than the OEM Housing. Looks like I'll be getting one just in case my gives up the ghost in the near future.

Still cheaper than the OEM Housing. Looks like I'll be getting one just in case my gives up the ghost in the near future.

Out the door I paid around $190 for the Simmons housing with the new bolts, clips and base gasket, plus another $10-$12 'ish for a new Motorcraft W/P bypass hose. If you don't already have the push-in coolant sender/sensor you'll also need to buy those. Still, worth the piece of mind knowing you'll never have to mess with the stupid leak-prone t-stat housing again. I know some here have purchased the much cheaper Austek housing, but comparing the quality of the two housings the Austek looks like a piece of crap and the CNC'd one-piece design of the Simmons housing sold me.

Out the door I paid around $190 for the Simmons housing with the new bolts, clips and base gasket, plus another $10-$12 'ish for a new Motorcraft W/P bypass hose. If you don't already have the push-in coolant sender/sensor you'll also need to buy those. Still, worth the piece of mind knowing you'll never have to mess with the stupid leak-prone t-stat housing again. I know some here have purchased the much cheaper Austek housing, but comparing the quality of the two housings the Austek looks like a piece of crap and the CNC'd one-piece design of the Simmons housing sold me.
agreed on the austek looking like junk my cousin put one on his ranger and a year or less later he was getting a leak around the temp switch

Sometimes people just can't afford the extra cash I installed mine (austek) in July 2018 with zero problems so far

Just my .2¢

Hello folks,

98 4.0 SOHC

I would like to know if the simmons t-stat housing can be installed without removing the upper intake manifold?

Thanks DR98

Hello folks,

98 4.0 SOHC

I would like to know if the simmons t-stat housing can be installed without removing the upper intake manifold?

Thanks DR98

I installed mine on my 2001 Job 2 SOHC 4.0L after installing my intake. IIRC I had to remove the belt and maybe the alternator though. The Job 2 intake is one piece, so I can't say for sure you can do it with the Job 1 intake in place. Call and ask Simmons. He's very knowledgeable on the SOHC engines.
