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Slave cylinder line won't connect.


November 4, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer
After hours of work, getting the transmission back in, everything hooked back up, the clutch line will not connect to my new slave... I have tried everything and am giving it plenty of pressure and changed the O-ring.

I just can't believe it. The old slave had a metal bottom, this one had a plastic bottom, it looked like the same slave. I just don't know what to do. After all that work, to find out the thing won't connect. I just can't beleve I could be so stupid and f**k up one little thing after how hard the last few days have been under that truck.

Please let me know what I can do.


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It's possible the one you put in is for a different year. The fitting/connector changed at some point, not sure what year, but if it doesn't want to click together, that would be my guess. Do you still have the old one? Hold them side by side and compare. Post a pic of that if you're not sure.
Other possibility is the little fingers are all bent. If forget which side of that connection has them, but look and see if they look all uniform.

Come On Man,

It's only a machine. You can't let it beat you!

Think of all of the other stuff that has pegged your "Weird ****-O Meter" in your life.

Like RangerX said we need some pictures to see what is going on.

I made a horrible mistake. I'm embarrassed to write what happened, and I hope you guys don't judge me too hard.

When I bought the part, the guy told me it was for a 1992 Ford Explorer. I installed it, put the tranny back on, and now I am finding out that the receipt says 1994 clutch. I can't believe I made this mistake.

Is there anything I can do?! Can I buy a 1994 ford explorer hydraulic and attach it to the master, or buy a master kit with hose for a 94, attach it, and attach it to the slave?

Or do I have to re drop the whole tranny again?

First, do a visual compare like I said. Are they the same, or different? If different, in what way? Inspect the end of the hydraulic hose, how does that look? If you could post a clear closeup pic for us, that would really help.

I didn't think the concetor change happened between 92 and 94, but maybe I'm wrong. If it is actually different, yes, you could put in a new master and line to match the year of the new slave.that would be so much easier than dropping the trans again! But first, make sure you're not overlooking something simple.
When you disconnected the line from the old slave, how much problem did you have? Is there a chance you damaged the line end, or something like that? That might make it not want to reconnect...


We are not here to judge.

We are here to help my friend.

All of us, at one time or another have managed to make some kind of really bad mistake.

Lesson learned for you "Always Inspect Before Installation". Hopefully RangerX is correct.

Did you know the slang dictionary definition of the word Assume is:

Assume (Ass \ U \ Me)

It makes as ass out of U and Me!

You can tackle this!

I tried to get pictures this morning, but my phone is horrible so I am going to wait for the girlfriend to get home to snap a few new ones. What I need to know is if a 1994 master cylinder and clutch line will install onto my 92 truck, and then if I hook it up to my 94 slave, will the truck still work? Or do I need to get a 1992 slave to work with the clutch?

Anyone know if any other changes were made like the pedals? The aerostar and ranger got different pedals in 92-93, did the explorer?

91-94 should be the same. Iirc, the line was larger on the 95+ models, but the slave was identical except for that. I put the trans from a 99 in my 94, but used the master and slave for a 91-94. The 94 slave should, by all rights, be correct.

So if I messed up the end of the clutch line trying to get it off with a flathead, what can I do to make it snap in?

Depends on how bad the line is messed up.

I would think replacement is the only option without seeing it.

Any updates?

I tried to get pictures this morning, but my phone is horrible so I am going to wait for the girlfriend to get home to snap a few new ones. What I need to know is if a 1994 master cylinder and clutch line will install onto my 92 truck, and then if I hook it up to my 94 slave, will the truck still work? Or do I need to get a 1992 slave to work with the clutch?
ford parts interchanged between 1991&1994!! those yesrs should be pretty damn close to bolt and go !! rangers and the mazda b series trucks of the same years are also able to work with eschother!!! its all the same stuff made by the same companies for the same vehicle just differsnt names!!! i just did the ckutch on my 91 sport and let me just say WTF??? DAMN YOU FORD AND WHOEVER DESIGNED THIS IDIOTIC F!@#ING TRUCKS RUNNING GEAR!!!! My god this has been a nightmare and now after putting the tranny back in for the second time this month i too have come to realize the new slave has the clip in line fitting that is the new design by perfection clutch and the fitting i have wont work with it and i cant replace the new fitting with the old one because it wont work with the new design!! now its about $59.99 -$89.99 for a new line w/fitings but im not spending that on this damn thing after all the work ive done !!! i actually was so upset today i kicked the jack out from under the transmission while i was laying under the truck and i installed that sumbiych by hand holding that damn tranny up and slidding it in with only my arms and fingers after wrestling around with it for the last 2 days unabke to get it in with the jack?this truck was a gift from my brother on my birthday i sold my 1999 subaru legacy outback sus sedan about a month ago and suddenly i regret it almost almost this truck better run like a champ for the rest of my lufe or im burning it on the 110 freeway southbound or west bound just before the vincent thomas bridge in san pedro ca lol

I know man, I know. I struggled with it so much, messed up. IT SUCKED. Best truck Ive ever owned though, I have well over 300k and motor is original. That clutch though.

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