SO... yer thinking of an electric fan conversion... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SO... yer thinking of an electric fan conversion...


EF Tranny Guru
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 2003
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Sacramento, CA 95827
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
I have followed the Aldive electric fan saga on here, and in fact when he upgraded I bought his old fan... which will be a small Diary in itself when I install it.... (next month or 2)

As I was doing my homework on electric fans (the internet is an amazing place) I ran across a great thread about installing a Taurus fan (one of the better ones around with TONS of em in junkyards,) with a parts list etc. A great tech article. I should have posted it when I found it, but didn't. (Shame on me) I posted it recently in another thread, and on reflection thought maybe it deserved better exposure, so am giving it a thread of its own for those who might benefit from it. So... here it is:

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I linked it to Als thread as well Glacier. Has anyone actually done this in one of ours? $100 is a lot cheaper if it will fit and works.

I tried to put both a 1speed and a 2speed on my 91 X. NO GO....

The fan motor hits the threaded snout of the water pump. You need a thinline puller or a pusher.

Racerx70 said:
I tried to put both a 1speed and a 2speed on my 91 X. NO GO....

The fan motor hits the threaded snout of the water pump. You need a thinline puller or a pusher.
Same here.

I might give it a try on my naturally aspirated 302 B11 project. The way I have the radiator mounted under the hood latch crossover instead of in front of it like it used to be, lets me use the long snout water pump. So I'm thinking this should be enough room. And since I got rid of the AC it should have more then enough cooling capabilities. Just as long as I can get the electrical gadjets. There is a stricking resemblence to that Blackmagic fan.

What were the problems with this for those who have tried it?

make sure your fan shroud covers the whole radiator, otherwise the electric fan is about worthless.

Rookie, many people use dual 10" electrics on the 5.0L conversion.

I personally choose to stick with the 5.0L metal fan and clutch, I have never been able to get an electric to cool my truck efficiently enough to handle low range crawling in the desert, daily driving is fine, but on the trial, she will heat up no matter what fan is in there (at least with the 4.0) which SUCKS because I love the benefits of the electric fan = free ponies and MPG!!

410Fortune said:
make sure your fan shroud covers the whole radiator, otherwise the electric fan is about worthless.

I disagree.

I have used both the Black Magic 150 and 180, neither cover the entire radiator, and both have performed flawlessly.

ALDIVE, a shroud is a must IMO.
Your truck stays cool, but not all of them will.

Without a shroud the air will just go around the radiator, or only through where the fan is. The BEST way to install an E fan is to install one with a full shroud.
You can disagree because your truck stays cool, but you know it's true!!! hahaha

besides whats so hard about building a shroud?

410Fortune said:
ALDIVE, a shroud is a must IMO.
Your truck stays cool, but not all of them will.

Without a shroud the air will just go around the radiator, or only through where the fan is. The BEST way to install an E fan is to install one with a full shroud.
You can disagree because your truck stays cool, but you know it's true!!! hahaha

besides whats so hard about building a shroud?

My fans do indeed have a shroud; just not a radialor (total) covering one.

You stated >>make sure your fan shroud covers the whole radiator, otherwise the electric fan is about worthless<< That statement is what I disagreed with and continue to do so..

yeah yeah so worthless was a strong word, how about "not as effective"

Mr picky puss, you know me strong opinions and I try to make a sharp point so they do it my way.

I know...old thread. I am looking for info on the fan though. Its not explorer related. Does anyone know the size of the fan and housing? I maybe looking for one (or two) next spring.

Someone is either up later or very early. :p

The taurus one, sorry. I am gathering info for a possible engine swap next spring and I think these will work with the dual coolers I hope to use. Even just the OD of the round housing would be enough.



One thing that I would like to add is not to use the black, 2 prong trailer wiring hook up plug for a quick disconnect for this kind of fan. The fan uses a lot of current, and the temperature of the heat in the area between the fan, and the engine will melt the connector, and short circuit. This is what happened to me.

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Glacier is playing head games with us. I actually clicked it again in the "new thread" thinking I had not clicked it the first time. :confused:
