SoCal Adopt-a-trail... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SoCal Adopt-a-trail...


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April 1, 2003
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Hesperia, Ca.
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'11 Raptor Screw
This is just a feeler thread to gauge interest in who would like to get involved. I can get it started, but would need a couple of people to head it up since I have a tendency to disappear in the summer with work...

Type of work involved
-Removing logs and brush that encroach on the trail
-Install, repair, and clean water bars or other drainage structures
-Provide protection for stream crossings, meadows, and wet areas
-Place rocks or logs on trail for better traction
-Maintain trail to the designated rating
-Remove traces of any use that occurs off the designated trail
-Remove litter and any foreign items from trail
-Install, maintain, and replace trail markers
-Install, maintain, and replace signs and bulletin boards as needed

Here's a link to our OHV program -

It doesn't have to be on the San Bernardino, but we have the majority of the trails in the SoCal forests.

If nothing else it's a good excuse to get out and wheel...;)

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I just posted this in the other thread
so i will repost it here too.

:DI'll head it up if we can get enough interested people and get this going:thumbsup: could head it up with a few reliable live the closest...;)

...if you picked a trail i would help...i didn't see any open and do you have to be a legitimate offroad

...if you picked a trail i would help...i didn't see any open and do you have to be a legitimate offroad

I'm going to try and get a trail in the Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear area. I'm not to sure about having to be a "legitimate" off road group. The businesses donate money which is used to buy supplies/materials for the program to use.

Hopefully I'll find out more on Sunday, when I go back to work...

im in! i'd love to help!

why don't we make it an official explorerforum adopted trail?

I'd like to be able to have it be adopted by EF, and will ask Rick if it's ok once I have a little more info...otherwise we could use the SoCal club name once it's decided upon...

either way sounds good :thumbsup:

if we're supposed to "work" on trails, does that mean we can make sweet obstacle courses? :p:

Maintain trail to the designated rating

I don't think they'd approve a obstacle course, but if it's rated as more/most difficult we would be obligated to make sure it stays that way...;)

not in the middle of the trail, i just mean on the side of the trail :D

I'd love to help out with this too, and do my part in keeping trails open to wheeling.

I sent off a email to one of the ohv contacts, who then forwarded it to Greg the FS Adopt-a-trail liaison. Hopefully I'll have more info in a couple of days.

This is a copy of the email I received from Greg this morning...

Hi Dale and Kenneth, thank you very much for the e-mail. Ken, thank you
for your interest in the Adopt-a-Trail Program. The program has grown to
over 3,000 members. If you'd like, I can send you the current list of
roads and clubs that have adopted them. We do have some roads that need to
be adopted. One is Radford Truck Trail (2N06). It leads from Converse
Station to Skyline Drive. Another is 1N04, it parallels the Santa Ana
River on the north side.

I'm not sure when you'd like to get involved with the program. Please let
me know what your club would like to do.

Thank you,


Greg Hoffman
OHV Manager
OHV Volunteer/Adopt-a-trail Programs
I don't recall ever going on either one of these, so I'd like to set up a run for next Fri or Sat to check them out if anyone is interested. I can tell you that they're over on the SE side of the mountain by hwy 38. I'm also going to call Greg tomorrow to find out some other options.

Edit: They may be closed for the winter due to snow..., thanks for keeping us informed...:D

Just wanted to post a big thank you to Rick for allowing us to make this an official Explorer4x4/EF adpoted trail...:thumbsup: we just have to find a good one...;)

if you plan a run to check out a possible trail to adopt, make sure i know :thumbsup:

if you plan a run to check out a possible trail to adopt, make sure i know :thumbsup:

Ditto. But you already know that ;).

So after a little research today, I have discovered that I have in fact been on 1N04 before. It's pretty short in length, and is pretty tame as far as difficulty but the scenery is nice due it running alongside the Santa Ana river.

Now 2N06 is short as well, but I have never been on it so I have no idea how difficult it is. Unfortunately due to its location, I really don't foresee us being able to make a scouting run for a while due to the snow depth (closed for winter).

So basically we're still on hold for either better weather, or another trail...I'll keep you updated...

Here is a picture with 2N06 marked in red for reference.


  • 2N06.jpg
    101.9 KB · Views: 146
  • 2N06-1.jpg
    94.5 KB · Views: 144

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...that could be we could cruise over and see how staircase cyn. got it's name...:D
