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SoCal Winter '08 discussion thread

...Thanks for sharing the video and pics...:biggthump

...I had a gorgeous view this morning looking toward Big Bear and our local hills...I didn't get any pics but I'm glad to see yours...

...I'm waiting to see if Stic-o has any pics as the snow was down by his house too..:dunno:

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A few pics from home.




My grandparents live in Big Bear and said 3-4 feet of snow since last monday! I planned a trip out there beginning of Jan to hit up the slopes...its been too long!!!

Well, I'm jealous. SOB! where's MY SNOW?!

Well IZwack looks like your getting some rain haha.... it rained about one solid where I am at which it unheard of here lol. I live about a hour from vegas where it snowed about 3 inches on the strip!!!

I'll have to post up pics of my sisters house. She's up in Northern Idaho. She sent me a picture where she cut a path for the dog that is waist high

...You got snow at the towers by your house didn't you???...I know the clouds were hovering low at the base of the hills yesterday...

Well, I'm jealous. SOB! where's MY SNOW?!

I told mother nature to hold off untill after i deliver my load up there.:cool:
then u can have all snow u want!

...I couldn't stand it any longer...:bounce:...I took some people up to Big Bear in the X today...I played tourist and chauffeur and Harley played the starlet...:rolleyes:

...When I got home I read this..."I skied Saddleback and lived"...This guy hiked in from Silverado Canyon and skied back down...:dunno:

...I will post a couple pics tomorrow...Sorry, no offroading pics but if you seen how dirty my X is, you would think I ran the trails...:dunno:

...I wound up taking 3 ladies and a boy up to play in the snow...They needed a capable truck and someone to drive...Kind of a special holiday treat for them and I was a total gentleman...

..:shifty_ey ...But there was a little devil on my shoulder the whole time telling me to take them for a wild ride...:burnout:

I was wondering if you guys made it since you never did call...

You should have brought them by the station, we have a couple of pretty cool tube/sled tracks set up now. :D

...I didn't call cause I heard they lifted the 4wd chain requirements last night on the 18 back side and I didn't call today as I still think you have Sunday off..:confused:...Darnit, I would have came by just to drive, I mean see, The big green truck...:p:

...We wound up at Snow Fun for a while then went and walked the village and got KFC for the ride down the hill...I took the back side up and came home on the 330 and they said 2wd chains were still required...Heading up the backside, on the way down still looked icey from what I saw and the 330 side had no ice yet...I ran the whole trip in 2wd and never even went anywhere that called for 4wd...They were plowing everywhere we went...:biggthump

...We had a timing schedule to keep and ran about an hour behind...We left Big Bear at 1:30 and I must say I was pleasantly surprised...We seemed to be the only vehicle going in from Apple Valley, and the drive back down the hill thru Running Springs went pretty fast...Really, not as many people up there for the mount of snow that has fell...

...I do have to add, when we left it looked like everyone was just getting into town for tomorrows storm...And yes, they were already crashing into each other getting into town...

...I just received the pics...These are some of the better ones...







Today I took a day run with a couple of Jeep driving friends.
Up through Ramona to Ranchita, down Grapevine Canyon, over to Ocotillo, up Split Mountain Road, up Sandstone Canyon, back down to wrong way up the Diablo Drop-off, down Diablo canyon to Sand canyon, then up S-2 to Oraflame Canyon, through Julian and back home. It was friggin cold, but very little snow. Ran into three guys in a Suburban, 2500HD four door and 1500 two door going down Diablo Drop-off. Guy in the Suburban seemed proud he has gotten stuck on every trail he has attempted. We waited about 20 minutes for them to clear a small rock pile.

...I woke up to water spot and heavy rain warnings this a.m....I had to drive to a job up by Stic-o's house but after seeing this, all I wanted to do was go wheeling in Big Bear...They were saying 2-3' of snow fell over the last day and a half...This was just before the next front came in, looking up at Big Bear...


Lol, they lied...

Just got back home from a 3 day fire assignment up near Lone Pine, and there might of been 6" of new snow on the ground in Big Bear.

They are forecasting another 3 storms in the next week though. :dunno:

...Thanks, now I'm not jonesing so bad...I should be ready with the X by the end of the month..;)

...I got back this afternoon and looked up the Snow Summit cam...People were skiing and the trees were dusted, but lightly...:rolleyes:

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Well it looks this winter wheeling season is turning into a bust :dunno:
