For Sale - Some Stuff for sale | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For Sale Some Stuff for sale

first, clear corners for a ranger. i had them on my 03, they will fit any year from that generation though. no leaks, but the left one is just a slight bit cloudy. I'm thinking 15 and shipping?


Next, is a CB, complete with magnet mount antenna and microphone. its a realistic TRC-479. the antenna is 5' with magnet mount and wire (i didnt measure the wire, but its pretty darn long). power cord was at one point cut, but it works fine, ill probably neaten up the repair, but its in the same condition i got it in more than 4 years ago. i dont really know what its worth, but make an offer, id really like to get rid of it.



Next is a spot trac console with an early explorer cupholder. includes just about everything needed to install, its missing some bolts and one little oval cover for the bolts that connect the armrest to the bracket. NO TEARS IN ARMREST and COMPLETE WITH BAG. i know those bags can be tough to find, especially for a decent price. ive seen the bag get upwards of a hundred dollars on ebay, but i want 50+shipping on the whole console.



next, i have 3 silicone couplers for an intake, and two reducer rings. couplers are blue, rings are black, and couplers do have the hose clamps to use them. i just wanna see them go, so i think $5 and shipping for anyone who wants them.


next i have an intake mounting bracket from spectre. i never used it, i did take it out of the box to take a look at it, every piece is still inside the box. i think 10 and shipping is fair here

next is a black silicon coupler i used to have on my intake, in the box with clamps, $5 and shipping.

so thats it, i might leave the prices open to negotiation, but i was trying to be fair. the cb is the only thing i might separate to sell.

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all still for sale, would really like to get all this off my hands, i might just throw the intake stuff in for free if someone buys something else and wants them.

Would you take $20 plus shipping for the CB and the intake bracket?

Oh and if it'll save on shipping I don't need the whip on the mag mount I've got one already.

shipping costs on the console to 65802

I'm very interested in the center console. Shipping costs to 51501

ill have quotes for everybody tomorrow, DeadlySteve, i know you pmed me, but i guess im gonna have 88comingup in line first

I completely understand. He was first. But I'm definitely still interested for sure. ^_^

haha alright, im gonna try to find time to get to the ups store today, if i cant, i will definitely have shipping costs tomorrow, its my day off.

ok, have ups and usps quotes,

cb,mic,magmount,and intake bracket to willindsay (in 2 boxes)
ups 28.92
usps 16.10
console to either 88comingup or DeadlySteve, same quotes for shipping
ups 46.83
usps 18.00

PM sent ^_^

shipping quote on console to 34103??? :)) unless it's already taken of course.

Edit: nvm lol, darn computer didnt show me deadlysteves comment. :p

ok, have ups and usps quotes,

cb,mic,magmount,and intake bracket to willindsay (in 2 boxes)
ups 28.92
usps 16.10

usps 18.00

Is that the shipping for both boxes? If so let me know your paypal address and send them usps.

Finally got home to check the packages. Everything was pack very well. Antenna mount wasn't quite like I expected but it's no biggie I can make it work. Thanks.

Glad everythings good, I was surprised the whip came off the way it did too, bbut I'm glad it'll work for ya.

Oh yeah, I forgot, console, cb, and intake bracket are gone, everything else is available.

I just wanted to follow up to say that this guy is top notch. He shipped my item very fast and it was packed really well. The console was in better condition than I thought. I'm very happy! Thank you Rokr!!

Awh shucks, haha I'm glad you like it man!
