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Sorry but . . .


March 12, 2002
City, State
Newton, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
:p Sorry but theres just too much lowering information to filter through this site. Hard to destinguish between older Xs and newer ones.

Can people with 2001 X Sports who have lowered there Sports give me as much detailed information of how they did it? Pictures, links, and directions would be greatly appreciated. If you want to email me its mishmash15@aol.com.

Thank You

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Most of the lowered Xs you will find will be newer. Since it is so much easier to lower. All you have ot do is put blosk in the rear and lower the torsion bars up front. There are quite a few writeups on here about lowered sports. good luck

My O1 Sport is a 4x4 and lowered. Just T-Bar twist up front and blocks in the rear.


You can see all kinds of detail pics on my website. Just looking for the two links for 2"+ drop.

Hey, BlackMagic you think you can email me a good description of the steps of how you lowered the front and back? As detailed as possible and also a list of parts that I would need. If you can do that that would be great. Email is mishmash15@aol.com

Misha9876, send me the e-mail he sends you please. :) I am looking to do the same exact thing as you did Matt, again It looks Amazing.

Sure thing, I'll send it once i get it . . .:D

Send the info to me as well if ya can. I've been looking to lower my sport as well but have no clue as to what to do.

Thanks! :)

my e-mail is:

misha... search for a thread called going for the gusto. you can find everything you need in it.

Thanks Magic, I'll be looking forward to it. :D . . . I've looked at Going for Gusto but like I said before its hard to get the right info on my specific truck. Thanks again BMagic, I'll send the email out or even better I'll probably post it:eek:

Lowering an '01 Sport is the exact same as lowering a 95-01 Explorer. Same suspension.

I thought that there is a difference between them not only in the model year, but also between the 2 and 4 door models. Also I thought that there are different leaf suspensions in the rear of explorers.

The only thing that might be different is the leaf springs. In that case, you'd just have to swap your leaf pack out with a set from a 4 door. Then, you just lower it as if it were a 4 door.

Well, that's the thing, I want to lower my vehicle with the most simplicity and least cost. Supposedly you don't have to swap anything.

you'd lower your 01 sport the same way i lowered my 96 4 door 4x4 :)

Matt, great write up. Thanks a lot. Just one question. How long would this whole process take a typical mechanic? Again thanks a bunch! :D

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Whew, I am not really sure. I would just spray the bolts the night before then get after it the next morning as early as you can. Invite a friend over and give your self a few hours. It will take you like liss then 15 minutes of actual work for the front and about 1-2 hours of work for the rear. Then don't forget to stop by and get it alligned.

Good Luck, Glad I was helpful!
