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Sport Trac Chip


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June 10, 2007
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Sport Trac '02
Hi Group,
I have a '02 Sport Trac 4x4 and pull a trailer~3k pounds, it has absolutely no power. Long hills i am lucky to get 45 mph, i have friends with explorer doing closer to 70 with the same 4.0 motor. Is there a chip i can put in to get more out of it? I have heard that ford dumbed the motor down on the sport trac as compared to the explorer due to drive train constraints. Although the towing specs are only 500 pounds different.

Any ideas for a fix, other than a new truck?
'02 Sport Trac

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It depends on the gearing too.. He may have a 4.10 gearing and you may have 3.73 or worse.

A chip may help a little, I would look into a custom made chip made by Bama or one of the other manufacturers..

Hopefully you're turning off the overdrive button when towing, especially in hilly terrain.... There's no difference in the ST motor from the Explorer motor, the only difference between the two is basically going to be spring rates in the rear, unless your talking about the 02-current 4 door Ex's.

How many miles on the motor? When were your plugs, wires, air and fuel filters changed last? How about the catalytic converter, is it getting clogged and restricting flow?


"How many miles on the motor? When were your plugs, wires, air and fuel filters changed last? How about the catalytic converter, is it getting clogged and restricting flow?"

Yes, the OD is off in the hills. 45k, new K&N air filter this spring, plugs and wires never, not sure about the CC. I haven't noticed any difference in mileage or performance in the last 5 years.


Talk to James @ for your Sport Trac tuning needs. He is also a member on here goes by the name of JAH81592. He is my business partner, a good guy and will treat you well. The phone number is 1-(205)-531-0598

This is strange to hear about the sohc engine, complaints about low power. These little engines are very strong. I would check all my intake tract and make sure there isn't a blockage. If interested I could sell a tuning/cold air combo.

This is strange to hear about the sohc engine, complaints about low power. These little engines are very strong. I would check all my intake tract and make sure there isn't a blockage. If interested I could sell a tuning/cold air combo.

Agreed, check your engine itself out for now. See if you are throwing a CEL that you may have not noticed. It could be a simple lack of power or that lack of power could be a result from something else. Once you find everything to be in good health then start the modding. This will ensure that WHEN you do start modding that you are building off of a stock combo that was already verified as functioning totally correct. After you get yourself the green light then hook up with James and have a blast.

I have a 05' ST and it has no power either for towing, it only has 25,000 miles on it. Im going to do an intake, exhaust and chip. Hopefully that will help. I would do a super charger but I dont think the tranny would take that and towing.

I have a 05' ST and it has no power either for towing, it only has 25,000 miles on it. Im going to do an intake, exhaust and chip. Hopefully that will help. I would do a super charger but I dont think the tranny would take that and towing.
Depending on the charger the tranny would do fine. I used my truck to tow and double as track duty and the trans held up fine till 158K miles. My secret, keep the bands adjusted and fluid changed.

i know of a few chips or turners, there is bama, jet, xcaliber(check spelling)

i know of a few chips or turners, there is bama, jet, xcaliber(check spelling)

The Jet products are generally regarded as poor quality.

Bama ids the name of a tuner, not a "chip".

The SCT XCal2 is considered by those in the know as the device of choice.

CJ. I don't know if you're using the bumper to tow with or not...even though the tracs have a re-inforced bumper hitch in the tow package, I also had trouble towing with mine. once I installed my recessed hitch(paid like $200 buck and bolted on in 20 mins. no drilling required) I can tow much trailer wieghs about 2500 pounds loaded
