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May 2, 2014
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2003 ford explorer 4.6
Hi. I have an 03 Explorer 4.6 Recently it has stalled twice in 2 days as if someone had turned the key off. I did notice my rpm's fluctuating as I slowed down to make a turn when it did this. No bucking,chugging or sputtering at all....just died but did start right back up. Someone mentioned possible bad EGR??? There also hasnt been any check engine lights. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!

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Missing link, Jon?

IAC. Don't bother with the aftermarket parts, go to the dealer.
I tried two different brands from two different stores and both were junk. Got the Motorcraft and haven't had a problem since.

It will continue to get worse and cleaning hasn't worked for anyone I know that has tried it.

Cleaning them in both 98s has always done the trick. I had to replace the one in my 96.
