Started on some Gap Guards today- | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Started on some Gap Guards today-


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2004
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Denver, Co
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2005 Sport Trac
Picked up some thick rubber from Ace Hardware for $3/ft. (been looking for something to use for a couple weeks, and this seemed to work best)

Basically, I eyeballed the measurement, and riveted the rubber to some existing holes...

The 'before/after' aren't a true before and after, it's basically a drivers side (finished) vs. passenger side (not finished yet) comparison:


before (passenger):


After (on driver side):



.Unsure if fully like it or not, yet.

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I like it but what happened to your stock ones?

I like it but what happened to your stock ones?

Am I missing parts there? It's not like that just because of the body lift?

conveniently left off by the installer?

Mine are the same as yours Luke. Just a little section on either side with a huge gap in the middle. I can see where there are spots for those clips, but there is nothing there. Always wondered if they had just fallen off before I got the truck. I just went to take a picture and noticed the front ones are gone now. They must have taken it off when they did my lift. So anyone know how far are the stock ones supposed to go?


Good! im reading in because I cannot stand that gap anymore! I always wondered what those holes on the inner fenders were for. Nothing attached besides that small piece on the side.

Thought I'd read about that somewhere - Thanks for the link!

I think I'm going to go ahead and leave them on- If I notice any type of heat issue, they should be pretty simple to remove.

Ditto for me too. I only have 1 on pass side in same corner. I just figured someone left them off working on it. I bought it 3 yrs old so I wasnt sure if it was fully covered or not. ??
Nice job Luke! I would do this if I knew anything about riviting :) Zip ties for me :)
UPDATE: swshawaii- great find! Im leaving em off. Todd Z says so :)

Ditto for me too. I only have 1 on pass side in same corner. I just figured someone left them off working on it. I bought it 3 yrs old so I wasnt sure if it was fully covered or not. ??
Nice job Luke! I would do this if I knew anything about riviting :)

You're in luck :)

It's fairly simple, and I've not completed the job. I'll do a quick writeup with pictures/video for you guys later.

And because that rubber was so difficult to locate, I wouldn't mind picking some up to mail out if people need it.

Thanks Luke. I would like to still see the riveting part though. Always like learning something new

Mine came with big ones on all wheel wells... strange

thanks for this write up. when i bought my trac, the rubber was already missing and i didnt want to buy new ones from ford because im sure they would cost a grip. i didnt know they sold that rubber at ace im going to have to check it out. thanks again.

I just left mine off when I did the body lift. I think it helps keep the engine cooler then when they were on, plus I don't need another thing to remove when I need to work under there.

Read through those posts on MyST - but I think I'm still going to leave them on there until I notice any negatives.

Here's a few pictures of some of the tools I used, part of the process, finished product, and a video showing the simplicity of using a pop-rivet gun:







Here's the video showing the process - you'll need to just click the image below:


I'll probably do a little better trimming job around the top of the shock, and between the last two rivets on the right, on the passenger side after looking at those last pictures

Thanks for the rivot video Luke. I learned something new. 'Precieate cha

I just left mine off when I did the body lift. I think it helps keep the engine cooler then when they were on, plus I don't need another thing to remove when I need to work under there.

For you and the other guys not running these I would highly recomend installing them. They shouldn't cause a heat issue, they will keep debri and water out from under the hood. There's too much electrical under the hood to worry about. The sole purpose is to keep the outside elements out.

keep them on if your an off-roader i have the same issue of the gaps in the fenders. just this weekend i found a nice deep mud puddle and flew through it to soak the nice clean white carolla. after doing so my idiot light for the battery came on. the analog gauge showed no issues so i checked and them huge gaps allowed all that puddle to go into the engine bay and loaded mud in my alternator. so this project is on my to do list right now. if any one is into off roading and has the gaps close them before you get my woes

Hey Luke I went to my local Ace and couldnt find any today. How thick is the stuff you got by chance?

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the stuff I got is super thin/flexible. It's not very sturdy at all, but more like a flexible sheet of rubber.

I did take mine off the last adventure I took - It was about 100 degrees outside, and walking by the tire, I felt heat barreling out of the wheel well - so I just ripped them off to give my engine bay some fresh breeze. I might put them back on, haven't really decided.
