Steering shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering shaft


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2010
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City, State
Hamilton, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Eddie Bauer 4.6
Does anyone know of a source for the small shaft that connects the column to the rack that has the universal joint in it. My searches have indicated that it is a dealer only item and they want $600 for it.

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Just make sure you get the one appropriate to your engine size.

Interesting, so the R&P's are different but not the steering shafts.

Thanks for the comments guys. The one on my Explorer (4.6) has a standard looking universal joint and not similar to the one shown in the link. That is not to say that it is not the correct one today for the vehicle. Going to keep looking and possibly remove the original and see if it can be re-built. To purchase a part from the US and import it still will bring up the cost close to Ford. Just seems nuts to pay that price because of a few worn needle bearings.

I am also looking for the gaitor for this shaft and drawn a blank! It does seem strange that you have to replace the whole item for a part for a few bucks!!

Anyone had any luck locating one of these shafts or one that will interchange? I am coming up with nothing other than a Ford part for over $600. Mine just has a small occasional click to it when turning that has not gotten worse. Easy to feel when placing my hand on the joint.

Has anyone ever found a reasonably priced replacement for this shaft, For some reason there is a difference between the 6 & 8 cylinder. I have the 4.6 and Ford wants around $700 for the part alone. The shaft has an open top u joint while the lower joint is covered with a rubber boot. I wonder if there is a cross reference to another Ford vehicle which uses the same part. Mine still just has a slight clicking noise but I should address the issue and repair it. I might try the wreckers as well.

For some reason that one is not compatible for a 4.6 liter 8 cylinder engine. Mine looks similar but has an open universal joint on the right end. That joint is what is giving the clicking sound.

I am also looking for the gaitor for this shaft and drawn a blank! It does seem strange that you have to replace the whole item for a part for a few bucks!!

What part are you looking for? I have an 03 6 cylinder that has some good parts left.

It's the rubber boot/gaitor that goes over the universal joint! However I have just cut it off for the time being

It's the rubber boot/gaitor that goes over the universal joint! However I have just cut it off for the time being

My Explorer is a 2003. Your profile shows a 2000 I am not sure if they have the same part. If they are I will check it out to see if it is in good shape if you are interested.

These shafts are sure difficult to find other than the dealer. The local wrecking yard can't even locate a used one in their system.

Update, I just received a used replacement shaft through eBay. Even with import costs doubling the price it was still 1/4 the cost of a new one from the dealer. Looks to be in great condition.
This shaft is unique to the 4.6 engine and used from 2002 to 2005.

