Steering wheel swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering wheel swap?


Well-Known Member
November 3, 2018
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City, State
Edmond OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Eddie Bauer
Does the eddie baurer steering wheel swap with the XLTs without any modding?

I know the buttona wont work...


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you might have to change the clock spring for the horn to work. not sure if the cruise buttons will either

Does the eddie baurer steering wheel swap with the XLTs without any modding?

I know the buttona wont work...

View attachment 176408

It should. I just bought an Ex that has an identical wheel to the one you posted, except with a Lincoln badge on it. Clearly not the original wheel. I suspect it had an airbag deployment and they changed the whole assembly.

Correct, none of the buttons work. My cruise control ones don’t even work. Annoying. Horn does, though.

As for the clock spring, I’m not smart on it. I can tell you that my wheel is turned 45° left when driving straight, and it screws with the auto cancel feature on the turn signals when making a left turn. Not sure who aligned this thing last, but they done screwed up....

You can swap many Ford truck wheels into the Explorer, but as said you have to have the clock spring that matches it. The wiring can be modified to regain function of both the horn and CC, it's just matching the wires and splicing those together. They are tiny wires, so it will take patience and soldering the horn wires would be smart.

The cars use different mounting holes in the wheels, a slightly different shape. I don't know if any will swap car to truck etc, but simply be off center. I saw some pictures but never tried to mix them. But the buttons and functions can be the same car to truck. I have those same two spoke wheels for my trucks and my 92 Lincoln(a 2003 Marauder wheel and column).

