Stereo problems...need help here... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stereo problems...need help here...


February 28, 2001
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97 Eddie Bauer
Ok, I've had my stereo installed for awhile now. I was wondering if there was a way to get the factory power antenna to work with my pioneer full screen. It looks like you have to switch the polarity (like a power window) to get it to go up and down and most (like my pioneer) only has one wire to cue the antennae. Anyone done this with an aftermarket HU and the factory power antenna?

Also, is there a harness I can get to use the factory 6-disc changer with my head unit? Anyone done this and how hard?

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your factory power antenna operates on a much lower voltage than what the HU sends out, you need to buy an aftermarket power antenna. I had to do the same thing.

As far as the changer goes, I don't know of any adapters made to use the stock '97 explorer changer with a pioneer headunit. As inexpensive as pioneer changers, I would just sell your stock one and but the right pioneer one.

As for the power antenna, you need to find out what type of output(positive or negative) your headunit has and what type of trigger your atenna needs. I would guess they would both be positive and you would be able to run the lead directly from your headunit to the antenna. If they are different then you will need to use a relay which isn't that difficult either. Now there is a chance that your headunit does not have an antenna power output which would require you to use the accesoory power of you ignition or a maunal switch.

People usually use the 12v remote-turn on wire for the power antenna. The wire is usually blue, (with Pioneer it is light blue with a white stripe). This wire sends out a 12v signal when the headunit turns on. Hook this wire up to the antenna and you'll be set.


But it looks like it needs a negative charge to make it go back down. I've never seen anything like it. kinda like a power window.

Sorry I don't know then. The negative may just need to go to a ground point.


Well, thanks anyway :)


You got any pics of those 18" Niche Bahns?

Now, I don't know if this will work at all or not...just a thought. My buddy has a Toyota....and his power antenna went and he added an aftermarket. Occasionally, he goes wheeling with the cd on and wanted to be able to control the antenna when he pleases. He has a regular on off toggle switch that controls his antenna. I dunno if this makes any sence since ya say you need a negative charge to make it go down.
