Stock roof rack questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock roof rack questions

Cody Counsil

New Member
March 31, 2012
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Humble, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 ford sport trac
If I take off my stock roof rack bars one the roof of a 2004 sport trac will the screw holes need to be filled or how do I go about that? Because I don't want my roof leaking

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Do you remember the name of the thread or at least around about the name but if not thank you for the information

What does removing the roof racks do? Improve mileage or just looks?

Someone should post some pictures (maybe a couple different ST's) of the roof rack not on there anymore. I could only find pictures of TRACket Paul's (the guy who authored that mysporttrac thread.)



Found a pretty cool picture of a truck w/out a roofrack - NOT MY TRUCK, Found by google:

looks pretty good w/out IMO (better than I'd have thought) but I'd like to keep my rack for the possibility of it being used in the future

