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Strange plastic smell 2013 explorer


New Member
October 29, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer XLT
Hello everyone looking for some help. I've had my explorer for almost a year now. The past few months I've noticed a strange plastic smell inside the cabin of the vehicle. It's more noticeable after the vehicles been sitting for while and once opening the door the really really strong smell just hits your nose hard. It's so bad it penetrates our clothes, sun glasses and other items in the car. I've taken it to the dealership twice, first time they said they flushed the AC lines with a mold killer, still the smell was there. Yesterday I took it again and paid 60 dollars for some kind of "mist" thing they sprayed on the seats n engine bay, still smells. The salesman who sold me the vehicle said it was the seats? My wife drives this vehicle daily n is 5 month pregnant, I don't want her smelling this odor everyday and it having an effect on our child. Any thoughts?

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Hello everyone looking for some help. I've had my explorer for almost a year now. The past few months I've noticed a strange plastic smell inside the cabin of the vehicle. It's more noticeable after the vehicles been sitting for while and once opening the door the really really strong smell just hits your nose hard. It's so bad it penetrates our clothes, sun glasses and other items in the car. I've taken it to the dealership twice, first time they said they flushed the AC lines with a mold killer, still the smell was there. Yesterday I took it again and paid 60 dollars for some kind of "mist" thing they sprayed on the seats n engine bay, still smells. The salesman who sold me the vehicle said it was the seats? My wife drives this vehicle daily n is 5 month pregnant, I don't want her smelling this odor everyday and it having an effect on our child. Any thoughts?
Welcome to the Forum George128.:wavey:
There are a few threads on different smells but I believe yours is the first to mention this one. It is strange that the odour is the strongest after the vehicle has been sitting for a while. It almost sounds like something plastic is getting too hot. Do you notice it outside the vehicle at all?

If you want to, you can send a private message (PM) to Crystal or Ashley (FordService), the Ford reps on this forum. You can use the following link to do so;http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=157968 They can contact the Regional Customer Service Manager about your issue.

Include your name, daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and dealership info in your message.

NOTE: To help members provide more accurate responses to any concerns you may have, it would be helpful if you added the model to your profile so that it shows in the left margin.

Good luck.


Thanks for replying peterk9. The smell is very strange and annoying. I've had different people sit in the vehicle and some say oh it's the new car smell, but I don't think it is. Even the employees at the dealership said they smell it, even one said it smelled like freon? But all the AC lines were checked n none were leaking.

The smell is very faint from the outside while the car is sitting in my garage. I can't smell it if it's outside in the open. The salesmen said a tech in the shop told him the smell was coming from the seats?? I've never heard of that. He also said replacing them is not covered under warranty. I don't know what to do anymore. I will contacting the ford reps u mentioned thanks.

Hello everyone looking for some help. I've had my explorer for almost a year now. The past few months I've noticed a strange plastic smell inside the cabin of the vehicle...

Hi George128,

Thanks for the PM; I forwarded along your information to the customer service manager (CSM) for your region so they can help. If you need any additional assistance, I'm always just a few mouse clicks away. :)


The seats are a good bet. I read something some place about ,the chemicals used in making the soy foam seats, degrading and leaching out. Maybe something like the smell of formaldehyde you used to get when installing new carpet in a house....I've even noticed a slight film of something on the inside of the windshield that keeps returning once cleaned.....It's more than just the new car smell. As to it being toxic or not, no clue, but it certainly can't be good......Plum

Today i noticed for the first time in my 2 weeks of owning it..i had a smell when i was at a stop and not moving. It wasn't the exhaust smell. It was like a hot engine smell like when you open the hood after driving for a while. I left the truck running and ran into store to play lottery and win millions (didn't.. :( ) and that's when i noticed it. Just a hot almost rubber or hot engine smell if that makes sense. Not gas or exhaust

But as soon as i got moving again..it went away. Today was also the first day i drove when it was pouring the entire time..i mean really raining and the first warm day since about Nov..so i wonder if it was that. I will know tomorrow when it's not raining out. Brought it up to my dealer and when it goes in in 2 weeks they will look at it

Have you had a look at the catalytic converter for leaks! THAT would be toxic!!
