Stripping chrome from plastic grills? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stripping chrome from plastic grills?

I would like to paint my grill black. I have a spare mountaineer emblem, so I wanted to test on that first. I flaked off a piece of chrome and found out it is coated in metal and actually dipped. I was hoping it would be a brittle finish that could be removed with chemicals. That is how I have stripped chrome off plastic R/C rims before.

So what would be the best way to prep this for paint?

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Red scotch brite pad the crap out of it,,,Till every piece of the chrome is dull then use some good primer,,, thats about all you can do with out peeling the chrome plating off.

00sport4x4 said:
Red scotch brite pad the crap out of it,,,Till every piece of the chrome is dull then use some good primer,,, thats about all you can do with out peeling the chrome plating off.
As above but would not prime it, use SEMS 39863 Adhesion promoter, than spray it with SEMS colorcoat flexable coating, both the above are made for plastic, only available at automotive paint stores.

Thanks guys, I'll look into the sems paint.

SEM makes good paint products.

I once saw a thread here that showed how to strip the chrome. It involved a propane torch and you heated the chrome. It separated from the plastic grille. Do a search and hopefully you could find it.


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You guys rock, I will test out this torch method on the spare emblem I have this weekend.

Aldive did you you SEMS on your grill, or another brand of paint? I am planning on painting mine flat black as well. I still want some contrast against the black on the truck. And I am thinking flat black will look pretty good on it. The mountaineer emblem will be left chrome.

98 mounty said:
Aldive did you you SEMS on your grill, or another brand of paint? I am planning on painting mine flat black as well.

I do not have a clue what SEMS is. sorry. I used paint that I obtained from Paint Scratch ( ).


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