stuck bolts on shackle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stuck bolts on shackle

Blue Steel

Well-Known Member
March 19, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer '97 XLT SOHC
i decided to install my new war 153 shackles today, so i get everything ready, and when i try to remove the bolts on the stock shackles, they wouldn't budge. couldn't move them an 1/8 of an inch. now i'm frustrated. sprayed wd40 to try and loosent the bolts up, but no luck. any suggestions? appreciate the help.

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Heat can help. Try a propane torch on the bolts, but be careful what you heat. Brakelines and rubber bushings don't like heat too much.

WD-40 is only so-so as a lube. try some Liquid Wrench or ATF and give it a few days to penetrate. ATF is great at removing rust or carbon

a good quality socket and a breaker bar could also help. a cheap socket is a good way to bust your knuckles when you start torquing on it.

heat is also good.

atf? is that the name of a product? can i just go to an auto store and ask for atf? thanks. yeah i was considering heat, but the brushings would probably start to catch fire. if nothing works, i say wd-40 and a flame, that should do it :)

ATF is Automatic Transmission Fluid :)


Need I say more?

Good luck


Originally posted by SteveVB
Need I say more?

Good luck
Heehee, that was my next suggestion!! New bolts are cheap.

i'd cut the buggers off now if i had something to cut them off with. unfortunately all i have is wrenches. what is good to cut bolts off? i have new bolts that i want to put on it, but never have had the need to saw bolts off of anything.... yet. thanks for the heads up with the atf. would have looked purdy darn smart walking in and asking for some atf and then look at the sales person like they're growing horns on their heads when they give me transmission fluid

hehehe, yeah, ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid... didn't think i had to spell that out on a truck forum, esp since Ford uses it for power steering and manual trannys too.

try a breaker bar (like a ratchet, except it doesn't ratchet, so its stronger) and a cheater bar on top of that. 3 foot or more of extra leverage provides a lot of extra torque without all the grunting and makes it easy to get your nuts off.

Harbor Freight sells 4.5" angle grinders for $20 Northern Hydraulic probably has a similar price.

? ? ?

Are you sure they are stuck , And not to much pressure on them . When I put my War153's on I had the same prob. till I figured out that it was pressure holding them from pushing out . Jack the X up @ the pumpkin' place your jack stands under the frame infront of the leafs (approx. 16" high) let the jack down this should let the pressure off em' . Hope this helps .

I don't know if it is the same on your truck.. but on our 1992 the bolts were welded to the old shackle.. (ok.. not really the shackle.. but to a piece of metal between the 2 bolts). Make sure you are trying to remove the wrong side.. I was fighting with ours.. then I moved to try the other side and noticed that the first ones that I tried were actually welded on.. Once I took the 2 off on the other side.. the 2 bolts popped right out.. as 1 piece.

