Stupid question, Which is the return cooler line from the tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stupid question, Which is the return cooler line from the tranny


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am adding a tranny cooler and a temp guage to my 95 Exp. I need to put it in the return fluid line. But which one is it???



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I'm not sure if your 95 came with external ATF coolers - but I think it did so:

Disconnect the rubber tubing lines at the stock cooler (in front of the radaitor near the passenger's side), start the engine for two seconds and see which line spits out ATF -- that line is the output which means the other one is the input :D

Mine does not have a factory aux cooler. It may be a towing package option. I was able to find out.


ProjectAviator said:
Mine does not have a factory aux cooler. It may be a towing package option.
Ah interesting. Well there's something I learned today: 95s (and probably 96s too) have no aux cooler. My brother's 97 and my 98 have them - both dont have the tow package but both have the 5R-series transmission (I think the 95s and 96s came with the 4R-series).

BTW for future readers who want to put add an aux cooler on his/her 95 (and proably 96), would you mind please explaining how you found out which port is the return?

The top fitting on the case is the return line, if you can trace that back to the radiator you'll have it.

I checked my 96 and It too doesn't have an aux cooler.

Like glacier991 said I checked with a friend at the dealer and found it is the top fitting.

