Which line is the return line? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which line is the return line?


Active Member
June 29, 2009
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atlanta ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 explorer
I am trying to install a transmition cooler but need to know what line is the return line on a 96 explorer.

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Welcome to this forum! I've renamed, and moved your thread to the transmission section. The upper line on the transmission is the return line. I have more information in # 52 in my list of useful threads.

Brooklyn, thanks so much for your reply. Just to confirm so that I do not put the trans cooler on the wrong line. The transmition line that is the return is the one that comes out at the top of the radiator on a 1996 Explorer. The reason I am asking is because on a post about installing a cooler the Author had the bottom as the return. See below . I really appreciate your help .


The line coming out the bottom of the radiator is the return line.
