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Stupid Ranger Questions, please help


Elite Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
April 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 JK
Hey all you Ranger people!

A friend of mine has a 2001 Ranger. It currently has 245/75/16s stock (~30.5x9.5).

We want to put on something close to 32, so here we go:

1) His axle code is 97? I've never seen that before. It may be 4.10, but I'm not sure.

2) Do TT/WAR shackles work just like an X for 1.5"?

3) I'm guessing his speedometer is totally electronic: no easy speedo gear swap here. I guess the speedo will most likely just be off as it's pretty expensive to calibrate.

4) He has plenty of room under there, I think with 1.5" and trimming he can fit 32s easily, maybe something 32x10.5 (metric of course)

5) anything else you might want to tell me.

Thanks a lot!

PS: yes I tried searching, but these topics are too broad and often discussed.

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try www.offroadrangers.com

i'm pretty sure you can basically fit a 33x10.5 without trimming and stock on a ranger. you can on the newer ones at least from what i understand.

OK, 97 is 4.10 open like I suspected. I found the decoding somewhere. (previously I'd looked at other codes and worked it out, there is a system ;) )

So basically I need to know if the WAR/TT is the same as I suspect. He'll probably have to deal with an off speedo. I know enough to get by with everything else I think :p

Alec, he can run a 265/75r16 they are 31.8 thats what I was running in mine or a 285/75R16 and they are 32.8 and be about 11.50 or 12 wide, they will rub but not bad around town off road he will have bad rubbing. the 265 will be the beat bet. As for the lift do the TT and buy some add-a-leafs that will give him 2 inches in the rear just buy the pro-comp from 4 wheel parts for like $25 The speedo will need to be done at the dealer program into the PCM it will only go up too a 31 or Super-Lift sales one as a aftermarket part.


Thanks Wade. The aal and TT sound good. I'll run it past him.

if you look at the rear spring hanger, you'll notice that it is along side the frame, so shackles won't work, I was hoping to use them until I got srpings, but no such luck. Yes, the TT should be the same, but I alsop think you should be sble to clear 32 in stock form. My front springs were a bit sagged, and I had plent of room for my 31's

He has room for 31s now, but not 32s. When turning his front wheels I could see he would have to do a quite a bit of trimming to fit 32s with no lift.

I have a 2000 4x4 I run 265/75-16 mud tires with no lift and no rubbing. I ran my friends 33/12.5-15 swampers off a Jeep YJ with no fender cutting they had a little rubbing at full lock but it was no big deal. I tried them on for fun not thinking they would fit at all but they fit well enough I could actually wheel with them, that was cool.

Like was said, 265/75r16's and 32x15's fit on a stock 98+ 4x4, Edge, and Trailhead. 33x10.5's will also fit with a little mild rubbing.

285/75r16's will rub bad at full compression in the rear and on the valence and sway bar in the front. The tires also hit the inner fender liner at compression as well.


He's going for 265/75/16 with no lift. If they rub we'll either lift 1.5" or trim a bit.

I have my set of

BFG MT km s for sale 265/75r16 about 90% tread left

With or without rims, and how much?

EDIT: oh, and how are they for pavement wet traction? Here in Galveston the roads almost always have a thin film of water, oil, and salt on them and are very slick.

I hate to ship things but 4 Wheel parts sales them for $182 each I will sale them for $400 for 4 plus shiping.
I realy like the BFGs I just got a new set for my H**P, they last a long time a quite ride and do great off road.


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Thanks very much Wade, but my friends is gonna pass.

He decided on something a bit smaller so I'm investigating......

Looked at BFGs site and it looks like the only other tire between 31.8 and 30.5 is the 275/70/16, 31.3x10.8. Maybe a bit wide. Hmmmm.

He just doesn't want any lift, just wants slightly larger tires. I'm still thinking and running things by him.

Oh, and he for sure wants BFG AT KOs.

Alec no problem, he can get by with not doing eneything to the rear and just do the TT to the front the Rangers set high in the back the only thing mine was close too was the front mud flaps I just removed them.

Go Off Road, do you have any idea how much shipping would be for those tires to Seattle Washington?

i thought there were different suspension types on the newer rangers... my dads 98 has coils, but it is a 4x2

D whats your zip code and I will check

Sorry about highjacking this Thread.


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Originally posted by Alec
Hey all you Ranger people!

3) I'm guessing his speedometer is totally electronic: no easy speedo gear swap here. I guess the speedo will most likely just be off as it's pretty expensive to calibrate.

Superlift sells a little black box that goes inline with the VSS to recalibrate it. Might have your friend check it out. However, I had put 31's on my '99 ranger and the difference in the speedo was not enough to even tell I had different tires.

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