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Sub Amp Wires


December 8, 2004
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93 Explorer XLT
Coming out of my sub-woofer Amp (From an Explorer LTD) there is a thick red and a thick yellow wire, anyone know where they are to go? +? -?


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I dont know, typically those colors are for power and ignition (turn on) respectively. I'd suggest using a multi-meter to make sure of what they are.

Are they both the same thickness? The yellow's probably power, but check with a multimeter like Dave said.

Unfortunatly they are not connected as i am installing it.... So a multimeter isnt the answer...

Connected to....... the amp? It doesn't matter.

huskyfan23 said:
Connected to....... the amp? It doesn't matter.

Well Im assuming one or both need to go to +12 to get the amp going?

One's probably power, one's probably remote. You need to figure out what they are. Multimeter.

yea i would recommend doing that as well.. everything for a system is my explorer is all custom..i ran new wiring for my doors to an amp for that crystal clear mids, highs that i crave .. now the problem im facing is where the hell im going to put a power cap when i drop some new 12's in my truck

huskyfan23 said:
One's probably power, one's probably remote. You need to figure out what they are. Multimeter.

How is a multimeter going to tell me this?

Touch red to the wire, black to a ground. If it's got ~12v without the ignition on, it's always hot.

I'd suggest calling the manf. meter's not going to help if it's not already wired.

Ignore my posts. I thought these wires were coming to the amp, not from :D

Are those the only wires coming out from the amp? Should be a bunch.... If you already have the speaker wires sorted and the ground wire figured out, both should be power of some sort, one turn on, the other power.

If I remember corectly those wires are for power to the amp. The plug on the other side of the amp is for the remote turn on and signal feed coming from the main amp.
