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SVO's Silver State Classic Challenge Trip Blog

hey john, you forgot a very important pic from this morning!


jeff was in a hurry, or very excited to get there this morning! :D

hopefully jeff wont mind me posting that!

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WTF Road Pic...

Flaming Mercedes??? :dunno:


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I just noticed the house across the street looks finished somewhat.

I just noticed the house across the street looks finished somewhat.
Yes, some definite work has gone on since my last trip up there.

How are you getting there? Taking 93 from Phoenix to Vegas?? If so that goes right by my house!!

How are you getting there? Taking 93 from Phoenix to Vegas?? If so that goes right by my house!!
Rick, I doubt that. That one sign said they were at Happy, TX. Looks like they were traveling North on I-27 and just South of Amarillo, TX. Which is at I-40 and way too far North of your position in Arizona.

Aww shucks;)

They could always take that route back:D Just take I-10 to El Paso instead of I-40.

First of all, I want to thank Rick for breaking his stuff so Jeff can have job security. :thumbsup:

Secondly, the car's name is Edward. :burnout: There is a reason for this and I'll either explain or Rick can. :p:

Thirdly, dayum, I am so glad I moved from the Panhandle of Texas. Made that trip too many times in college between Austin and Amarillo. Hate it up there...all dirt and cows, no grass or trees. :rolleyes:

And for Blee and John...yep, some poor suckers bought the house and have dumped all kinds of money into the house. They put in cabinets, painted the inside and outside, driveway, lighting, septic system, two a/c units, storage shed, and cleaned up all the trash and brush piles from the lot. They were supposed to have moved in at the end of August but are still waiting for a water meter. And right now, all of that is under water due to the rain we finally got last week and over the weekend.

Text message around 3:15 am that they made it ok to Carbondale, CO safe and sound. I am sure that they are both still snoozing. Sleep tight, guys!

They are awake!


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Yuppers, got into Carbondale at around 3am Texas time, but since you loose and hour it was 2am Colorado time.

HOLY **** it's beautiful!!!!

Rick and I woke up this morning to 58* and a beautiful sunshine, after a horibble trip through the night, while Rick slept, I drove the truck and trailer through the rain and over Independence Pass, for those that don't know in a car or truck, it's not bad, but a 4dr long bed truck with a 24' enclosed trailer and a cloud bank sitting on the pass it was quite a drive, not so much white knuckle, but very attentive to say the least, with some tight switch backs that noted 10mph, and some lanes with no railing or shoulders on wet slippery roads, and some lanes that were barley a lane and half wide.

Lots of elk and deer on the roads searching for food, so speeds were very, very slow at times.

Not are we toting the Shelby but also gear and equipment plus items to work on the house we're at right now, that we'll be returning to after the race.

So here we are, I'm doing my coffee thing tring to wake up and we'll unload all the stuff for the house then go into town, maybe back to Aspen (HEY DAVID!!) and tool around for the day before we head out tomorrow to Ely, Nevada.

So here's a little better picture of what I woke up to, that didn't come from my phone, again Johnstone, thanks for helping me with this blog!!

And I hope everyone enjoys this, and Lori I love you, I sooooo wich you were with us to see this.

As soon and I wake up some more I'll get you some pics of the house :drool



Jeff - :navajo:

Here's my temporary office view I'm posting from this morning in my PJ's w/hot butter rum coffee, AHHHH such bliss!!!


[John Denver Voice] Rocky Mountain High Colorado [/John Denver Voice]


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Well it's a work week that started, tried to un-hook the 24' enclosed trailer so we could go into town and grab some food at the store,and sure enough the electric trailer jack failed, it has given me problems before but it flat failed this morning, so I have to manually crank the jack down to release it from the truck, that sucked.

Came back chowed on some spicy chicken, and went out to try and repair the electric jack, replaced the switch, and got it to work but I also think it has some bad brushes or a bad spot on the armature in the motor.

That'll get replaced once we get back to Texas.

Well tomorrow we head out to Ely, Nevada to set-up for the Silver State Classic, got everything here unloaded and have a good idea what needs to be done around here oncewe get through at the SSC.




Jeff - :navajo:

I so don't wanna go back to Texas :(

Stinky Feet!


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I so don't wanna go back to Texas :(

Hmmm, I remember mentioning a few thousand times that I want to move to Colorado. :p:

And you at least have to come back and get me and the kids. Or at least just me. ;)

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wow old classic coke bottles.. I haven't seen those in a while. And yeah those feet probably stink.
