Switch stock sub amp for aftermarket, which wires do I tap into? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Switch stock sub amp for aftermarket, which wires do I tap into?


Well-Known Member
August 8, 2007
Reaction score
This is a real quick question that I'm assuming has an easy answer. I just bought a JL 250/1 amp to power my sub. I'm getting rid of the stock amp. My question is, do I tap into the rear speaker wires, or do I tap into the signal going into the stock amp? The reason I ask is because I know I've read that it sends different signals to the speakers, and the sub. Like it doesn't send any bass signals to the speakers or something. I need to know because it will decide what RCA adapter I buy. A quick answer would be great. Thanks!

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use the wires going into the stock amp, they should be exactly what you need

In my Budget Bass project, I tapped wires from the out of the OEM amp, to add an amp and sub to my subless OEM system...


http://s24.photobucket.com/albums/c4/toypaseo/explorer sub/106_0691.jpg

One more question, can I tap into the remote turn on wire for the factory amp? Then I would have to run that wire from the head unit back. I could put it right in front of the amp. Thanks!

I tapped into the factory remote by the factory amp, although it is only 5V. I used the PAC OEM-2 to convert the 5V to a 12V with delay.

That link I posted above says it will convert to 12V. Good to here I can just tap in there. Will save me more wiring. Thanks!
