SYNC 3 navigation provider? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SYNC 3 navigation provider?


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March 14, 2012
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2012 Explorer Limited
Does anybody know what navigation maps/ provider are being used by SYNC 3? is it still TeleNav? If it is I curious if maps are compatible with MFT?

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I believe its Nokia HERE.

Hey guys!

The navigation application is provide by TeleNav, and the map data by HERE. With SYNC 3, the map data is embedded and will be easily updated via USB; however, that means the data cannot be transferred to an SD card for MFT. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Hey guys!

The navigation application is provide by TeleNav, and the map data by HERE. With SYNC 3, the map data is embedded and will be easily updated via USB; however, that means the data cannot be transferred to an SD card for MFT. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Embedded means map data is stored in the APIM? Where one could get those map data updates and how much would it cost?

Unfortunately, I don't have pricing information, but you'd still purchase the updates via our map provider, HERE. To the best of my knowledge, the data will be embedded on the APIM, but I'll try to confirm that for you.


Unfortunately, I don't have pricing information, but you'd still purchase the updates via our map provider, HERE. To the best of my knowledge, the data will be embedded on the APIM, but I'll try to confirm that for you.


Why don't you offer a free lifetime maps update with a car purchase? Garmin TomTom and others do provide lifetime maps updates and they definitely less expensive... Ford would beat everyone in that case!

Factory-installed navigation systems have more complexity than PND and smartphone updates, which adds to the cost of updates. Additionally, they deliver the added benefit of a hands-free map solution. In a typical update, there are over 600K miles of road changes, and over 500K Points of Interest added/updated. Not to mention the addition of other data points such as speed limit information and street names & addresses. We are committed to ensuring that each map update delivers value and enhances your navigation experience.


On August 3, 2015, HERE was sold to carmakers Audi, BMW, and Daimler.
What is destiny of Ford's navigation then?
