T\C Sticking on - Need Help | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T\C Sticking on - Need Help

Aluminum is generally case wear. And aluminum shavings are deadly to a valve body. But, if it's powder, then you may not have much to worry about. Maybe.

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I'm with Sparky. I think there WAS a rear planetary in the 5R with aluminum parts at one time, but I am not sure.

sticking tc

First a thank you to all for provide all the info that you do. As you can see I'm new here, I'll start with basics. I have a 98 Explorer 4.0 sohc auto trans. I'm not sure the model trans. I could use some insight on how to determine that. To the problem. I have the same problem as in the original post on this thread. I did a seach and came across this. I have exactly the same problem. I was all excited when I found this, but it ended abrutly with no final outcome. Has anyone figured out this problem. I've been doing my homework and reading other threads to get up to speed on the inner workings of an a.t. It does make my head spin at times, but I keep rereading an I'm getting it little by little. I do understand the basic problem. The tc is not disengaging when coming to a stop. This problem is intermittant. I did check the fluid level. It was 3/4 of a qt. low. I add the fluid and the problem when away for a few days. But its back. Again it is intermittant. Any insight will greatly apprieciated. I may try to take this on myself, or to a shop. If I do go to a shop I want make sure I'm as knowledgable about the potential issues as possible. Thanks

Thanks for the reply, I bought it used last year. It has 98000 miles on it. I haven't changed the fluid and not sure about the previous owner. My guess is he didn't. The fluid does look and smell ok. Should changing the fluid be my first step. And is that something that a shop like Jiffy lube should do.

I would suggest that you use Mercon V semi-synthetic ATF, and do the job yourself. The microfelt filter from Fram is the same material as the Motorcraft filter you would buy at a Ford dealer, but for less money.

I'll do the fluid change myself. I've never done this before. Could you direct me to a link or where to find info on the proper way to do this. Thanks

It's straight forward. Remove the pan, and the filter. Clean everything thoroughly, and check for anything which shouldn't be in the pan other than fluid. Check the valve body bolts to see if they are loose. An In/LB, 1/4" drive torque wrench is recommended. Replace the filter, and the pan gasket. You don't need any adhesive on a rubber gasket. A gasket scraper might be necessary for removing the old gasket. Refill the transmission with Mercon V with the engine running. Check the fluid level on level ground when it's hot.

I drop the pan and it looked pretty clean, except for a layer of sludge stuck to what looks like a magnetic strip on the right side of the pan. Is this normal or a sign of something bad. I was also wondering what the deal is with the pan gaskets. The old one has little round barrel like pieces stuck in the gasket. Kinda like maybe spacers to keep from tighting down on the gasket to much. The new fram gasket does not have these. These little spacers had me doing a double take for a minute cause one add dropped out of the gasket and into the pan and that was the first thing I was looking at trying to figure out where this little metal part came from. Anyway when I checked the old gasket I saw that it came from it. Thanks

BrooklynBay, thanks for your replies. Got another question. Checking the torque on the valve body bolts as per your advice. Some of them were definitly loose, and I think I'm missing one. I counted 30 bolts including the four that appear to hold on some sort of cover plate. Adding the one that may be missing I come up with 31. I took out one of the bolts and it does thread into the hole of the questionable missing bolt. If this is a missing bolt and seeing as some of the others are slightly loose would this possible cause the sticking tc. Thanks again

Somebody probably worked on it before, and messed up. You might want to remove the valve body, check the length of the bolts, see which size is missing, install a new gasket (or a bonded separator plate/gasket), and rearrange the bolts of the proper lenght in the proper holes, and add the missing bolt.

ok guys im new to this thread i need some help if you could
i got a 00 explorer 4.0 4x4 with 120,000 miles i recently bought.

my problem is when put in drive it will stall out violently but when put in reverse it will work, i got this truck to move in 4 low a few times after slamming it in drive with some rpms. I unpluged a few sensors on the tranny and got it to stall in reverse also. I just want to know how to determine if it is a sensor or if the tranmission is junk. i was told that the tcc could be the problem but im not really sure. when checking the sensor i could see i tested the transmission range sensor for continuity but only got one out of three to work (neutral) . i need some help already replaced my transfer case for no reason so anything would help

ok i got some codes off my truck i need some help guys
po708 trans. range sensor input high
po743 torque convertor circut malfuntion
po755 shift solenoid b, c , d malfunction

please help guys ..

It sounds like the connections on the harness might not be making a good connection. Clean the connector with electrical contact cleaner, and use some grease which is made for these plugs to keep moisture out. It's similar to tune up grease or the grease which they use on taillight bulb sockets.


if it was the harness why would i be able to drive in 4 low i can get going and put it in neutral then 2 high drives fine but the shift from 3 to 4 is rough
i took all the solenoids out tested them with my meter and they were all in range put them back in and same thing acually slow shifting now i am planing on replacing then i checked the harness looked fine could this be the work of trans range sensor?

thanks for your help

ok hmm,
i heard if you shift into first gear it should not lock and i tried this with no luck my tranny fluid was pretty black how prone to clogging are these solenoids ?

did you ever figure out the problem with your trans before the thread got hijacked?

yes i did fix it with not much help i might ad .

it was the torque convertor solenoid i bought a new valve body then took those solenoids out put them in my truck and it ran fine 20,000 miles still ticking it has 6 solenoids in it i belive

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