Tape Radio to CD Radio, can I do this? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tape Radio to CD Radio, can I do this?

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yes plug and play;)

You might also look for the 6disc changer, which is in dash (no external unit). I've seen them go for about that price or slightly higher on Ebay in excellent condition, and they are exactly the same radio but take the 6 discs.

Really...Have a picture of one or any additional info on it?

My biggest concern with swapping out my radio (with the same idea you have) is will I lose my back seat rear controls for the radio with a newer plug and play radio. Didn't know if you cared or thought about that......

Really...Have a picture of one or any additional info on it?


As long as there are the two holes on both sides of the radio and it is "square" it should be a plug n' play, at least as far as my research reveals. The only caveat is if you have a subwoofer:

*if the radio has a DSP button on it, then it is a *3* plug radio, and your system MUST have the factory subwoofer. Otherwise it will sound like **** because your 4 full range speakers will be crossed over at a high frequency and have little bass.

*if the radio does NOT have a DSP button, then you better not have the subwoofer, as the radio has only TWO plugs on the back and your speakers will play full range.

Someone correct me if I'm mistaken.

The 6 disc changer unit(s) above will NOT work in the '97. They're not exactly the same units, as the wiring is totally different as the '97 has an external amp. The only units that will plug and play in the '97 are the '95-95 units, and the single disc unit posted originally. That one may or may not work the rear controls, as some were in Rangers and did not support that feature.

Also, keep in mind that your dash lights will not match the radio. I had that same unit in my first Ex, but I had swapped all of my dash lights to green because I hated the ice blue. For $159, I'd put in an aftermarket unit. That's a lot for a used radio no matter how "like new" they say it is.

The original one that you posted as seen in my first Explorer ('95):


Holy crap, I'm glad you said something because I've been eyeing the 6cd in dash as well and was seriously considering replacing my single. Guess I'll just keep what i got.

Sarge- have them send a pic of the back with the connectors... The '98's I've seen had both the new and old connectors depending on the build date. It's possible that it would work on yours, but you'll have to compare first. The '97 for sure though is an externally mounted amp so I know it won't work in that one.
