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Taxxman's Superlift 4" Install


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actually it fits the 96-01. But I imagine it would fit the 95. they claim the new torsion bar mounts will bolt right over top the factory ones so no grinding is necessary.

BTW: anyone know what the heck the Torsion Bar Isolator is, or if it even exists? According to another right up you need to get these from a 98 but no ford parts counter around here knows what I am talking about?

Day 3

Day 3 begins, nothing spectacular, still waiting on bushings for rear and other parts from Superlift.

Down side to all parts not being here yet, I already sold my War Shackles, Front RS9000 and Rear Superlift shocks, and I promised to ship them tomorrow. Guess I am going to start taking her apart tonight. Could make it driveable, but why do that then have to take it all apart again? Going to take off the shakles in the rear and start tearing into the front.

I will let you know how far I get.

Day 3 - Forgot to take wheel key to where I am working on truck, so it was a little more difficult in the rear. got the front shocks off. Rear is up on jack stands now since springs are disconnected from axle and truck. Not too much time required to finish rear. Haven't decided about replacing the bushings in the leafs. They look ok now that it is apart, besides that those factory bushings are a pain to get out....

Wife and I gotta get into this new house so I can build my garage. My parents neighbors have to love me constantly over there with my truck jacked up

Dave, could the isolator be the same thing as the puller tool?

I don't know. But according to Jeff Sauser's install he said he broke the superlift drop torion bar mount cause he didn't have one? Guess I will just have to see how everything mounts up, unless he gets back to me and tells me what in the world that is.


I DON'T KNOW IF YOU STARTED YOUR SOA PORTION YET. SO IF YOU HAVEN'T, DON'T FOLLOW (oops, sorry heath [LOL]) the Superlift instructions to a T. They tell you to disconnect everything off the rear axle and "roll the axle out behind the truck to relocate the axle. Instead of diconnecting brake lines, driveshafts, ect., just remove the leaf springs completely on both sides then jack the truck up higher and reinstall them with the axle on the bottom of the spring. This will save you a few hours worth of work.

Thanks Darren. THat is sort of what I was thinking. Seems much more logical to me.

Day 4

I am sure everyone has been holding their breath waiting to see what is in store for today. without much further delay...

Discovered that the bushings for one rear shock where missing. called superlift and they got me taken care of. These guys at Superlift are the BEST. They really take care of you.

Today I plan on finishing the rear SOA. I need to buy new U-Bolts, had a couple stripped threads, and buy a couple bolts. Then I just need to install the perches, remove the overload spring(maybe), mount it back up, and tighten all my bolts. i will probably hook the sway bar back up for now just to see how it handles. I may get to dissasembling the front tonight, but probably not. Taking tomorrow off work to finish the front (hopefully) got to go to my new home inspection at 3:30, so I better get an early start.

Edit -
Went to Ford and the Isolators are called that, we found them on the parts diagram. Can't get them till Monday or Tuesday, so I am hoping I can drive on the street for a day or two without them....:(

Day 4 Continued

OK so I got the SOA completed except for dropping the sway bar and hooking the shocks back up. Here is a pic (my niece wanted to be in it).

A little higher than I would like but I do love the axle being under the springs. Need longer brake hoses in the rear before I do any wheelin. ANd I may end up ditching my 2" BL, I think this may be too high for a sport.


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Wow i never knew your rig looked like mine. HAHAHAH. Good stuff.

Man talk about toys in the background.... Big boat, Mustang, I think thats a superduty back there too... What do you do for a living??? I want your job..

ya lifting the front? yeah what do you do for a living?

Re: Day 4 Continued

Originally posted by taxxman2k
OK so I got the SOA completed except for dropping the sway bar and hooking the shocks back up. Here is a pic (my niece wanted to be in it).

A little higher than I would like but I do love the axle being under the springs. Need longer brake hoses in the rear before I do any wheelin. ANd I may end up ditching my 2" BL, I think this may be too high for a sport.


You shouldn't need a longer brake line for the rear. All I did is bend down the metal bracket where the brake line gos from a steel line to a rubber line.
That gave me plenty of brake line to play with.

Originally posted by Heath
Man talk about toys in the background.... Big boat, Mustang, I think thats a superduty back there too... What do you do for a living??? I want your job..

I wish those were my toys. Fact of the matter is, my wife and I just bought a house and haven't moved in so I go use my parents driveway. The truck is the old mans so he can pull his big boat and the stand is my mom's toy (fun to rive but would be better if it where a gt or cobra). And the other one is my sister's Kia with the special factory paint option of "it peals off".

I haen't reached a point in my life to have that many toys, yet!

ya lifting the front? yeah what do you do for a living?

Yes, today I am putting the superlift 4" on and about an inch or so more out of the torsin bar to match the rear. Then the BL will proly come out.

Reason for removing the body lift (probaly):
1) wife wants it out (not that she drives it)
2) I think it would require trimming to fit bigger tires still
3) keep my CG as low as possible
4)I will still end up with 1 - 3 inches more than I had for a gran total of around 5
5) the shorter body of the sport doesn't look as good that high.
6) I am 6'2" and I cannot get my bike on the roof now!

Stadx - I will probably still extend them, I thought about bending that down, but I don't think I will get enough play out of it for off camber.

Day 5

On my way out the door to do the Front, hpopefully my missing parts will come in today!

Day 5 over


I did get the missing parts from Superlift today! Also my issolators came in early so I got those too. Now I see what they are for. Didn't quite get done today. only had half a day to work on it. All that is left:

Install front crossmember
Install front brake hose relocators
Install outer wheel seals in new knuckles
check all bolts
put hubs, rotos, brakes back on
put on tires

then this install will be done and time to lower it (take out 2" BL)

All and all it hasn't been real challenging. There are a lot of bolts and nuts to deal with. ou pretty much drop the whole front end! Then put it back together with some extra parts. Kind of fun if you have the time and something to drive while doing the work! Didn't even need a t-bar puller, once it was on jack stands and I losend the bolt it was ready to come off.

When I am done I will do a writeup of somesort so that there will be a post on what to do/not to do and what you need to have.

Here are some pics:


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