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That's not suppossed to happen right? Radiator hose + sidewall of the radiator broken.


March 16, 2020
City, State
Santo Domingo, DO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLS
Hi again posting here because of an issue, this time is, the part where the coolant reservoir hose connects to the radiator broke, and the the part that connects the water pump hose to the radiator also broke, probably the entire radiator assembly or just the plastic part?

heres the video that shows whats happening on the exhaust :

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Time for a new radiator. How warm is the car in that video?

Time for a new radiator. How warm is the car in that video?
Just turned it off, dad told me it was smoking like a fumigation van and he smelled gas coming out

Yes, it was just running, but was it fully up to operating temp? Steam and water are normal until a car is warmed up.

Did the truck ever overheat?

Yes, it was just running, but was it fully up to operating temp? Steam and water are normal until a car is warmed up.

Did the truck ever overheat?
It overheat and the plastic sidewall or the radiator (where the hoses connect) split open.

Overheating and water out the tailpipe over pressurized radiator

Hmm IMO kinds sounds like a blown head gasket

Overheating and water out the tailpipe over pressurized radiator

Hmm IMO kinds sounds like a blown head gasket
Alse felt kinda weak puting it on the driveway.

Yeah, if you overheated the motor and water is coming out of a hot motor it’s almost surely time for some head gaskets and possibly heads.

How long did it overheat?

Yeah, if you overheated the motor and water is coming out of a hot motor it’s almost surely time for some head gaskets and possibly heads.

How long did it overheat?
Probably 15-20min before the radiator exploded then and then the time to get home after it did.

Oh yeah. It’s definitely toast. You can’t drive an overheating motor ( or without oil pressure) for any real amount of time. Minutes at the max. Next time stop driving and save yourself A lot of money and effort.

Oh yeah. It’s definitely toast. You can’t drive an overheating motor ( or without oil pressure) for any real amount of time. Minutes at the max. Next time stop driving and save yourself A lot of money and effort.
So I'll be having to replace the radiator, and the head gaskets.

Probably a lot more than that. The heads are probably ruined. At the very least they need removed and taken to a machine shop to have them resurfaced because they are warped.

After a solid half hour of overheating the entire motor might be ruined.

If the car has high mileage, or any other issues, it’s probably better off to just get a different car.

This is likely to be an expensive lesson you never forget.
