The ScanGaugeII to watch Transmission Fluid Temperature + other things | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The ScanGaugeII to watch Transmission Fluid Temperature + other things


April 20, 2010
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City, State
keyport, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 explorer sport trac
Does anyone here have a ScanGaugeII ???

I have a 2003 SP and was wondering if anyone has used one with this truck. under the Xgauge it says with a ford you can pull the below into.
Torque into torque coverter (ft lbs)
Cylinder Head Temperature (deg F)
Transmission Fluid Temperature (deg F)
Converter Speed Ratio
Torque Converter Line Pressure
Transmission Output Shaft Speed

Just wondering if the 2003 SP support this info??????????

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Yes it does :) I use a scanguage with a 1997 Mounty (PWM) and an 04 Exp (Can). The x-gauge codes are different between the two, but it will display transmission fluid temp, which I believe is from the valve body. It takes freeway driving on a hot sunny day to get it above 170, but I don't tow anything.

Every other 'enhanced data' gauge I tried seem to work. Here's what I've found -

-cylinder head temp stays within 2 degrees of water temp with engine running
-torque and HP are calculated (maybe more like guessed) from engine parameters and probably not too believable
-transmission and fuel line pressures seem more useful

It's a great accessory. By using the trip computer and MPG indicator I've saved enough in gas to pay for it. The amazing thing is the best gas saver is not following the speed limit, it's avoiding red lights!!!

Sounds good.

I think i will look into getting one. I tow a boat and would like to make sure i do not kill my tranz. it would also be nice to pull some of the other data. the ST gauge cluster leaves does not provide you with much info

so would this be worth it?

also, where would you mount it?

so i found a good deal on a scan gauge II $147 shipped.

installed it and it does just what i want it to.

i have it showing my average MPGs, MPG, Transmission Fluid Temperature (deg F), coolent temp.


After flushing my tranz good (see link below) i wanted to see what temp it runs at with out adding a temp sensor. this did just want i wanted

for all the people towing i think its money well spent.
