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Timing chain replacement

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Thanks Dale, it's more the micro rigid lines that run into the various points. On my 1999 model I had a plastic tube type chamber that sat under the intake manifold and it was fairly straight forward to find the locations of where the various tubes went, on my 2000 North face that chamber isn't there, it's just a series of tubes that once disconnected are difficult to establish where they went prior to strip down.

I think I may have sorted it out. Any suggestions would still be well come though.

My 97 has a vacuum chamber under the front right hand wheel arch cover at the front.

Thanks Kevin I'll have a look. I really have no idea where it is on mine, I think I've sussed out the tubes though. It had better bloody work after all this.

I wish you good luck mate.

Does anyone have a picture of the left had side of the engine they can post? I can't see where the dip stick tube fits into due to all the rubbish on that side of the engine

Don't worry found it, stupid place to put it, right behind the engine mount.

This thread should be sticky as it will help when others do it. I may be doing the same job soon as ive just got myself the tool kit. On another note mate, any update on the driving lights we spoke of? I did PM you a while back, before you started swearing at your engine! :)

Okay, so it's up and running, so much quieter, didn't realise how noisy it actually was. No rattles what so ever.............However, I believe there is an air leak somewhere on the intake manifold as the the idle speed has increased. When I first started it there was no problem it idled beautifully, unfortunately I'd forgotten to refit a couple of hose clips to the thermostat housing and I had to remove the upper inlet manifold to get to them. After refitting everything the idle speed was a bit too high and erratic. I have another one so I'll swap them and see what happens. The other thing it could be is the idle body on top of the manifold. I'm fairly convinced it's an air leak though.

Took it for a drive last night and it all seems okay, there is a sucking noise when I switched off coming from the inlet manifold area which I didn't notice before I took it apart which I'm assuming is the air leak that is causing the idle to be a bit high. Having said that it was fine last night.

If any one is interested, I will be listing the cam setting tools, Female spline drive tools, engine stand and any other special tools I bought for this on ebay shortly. I will consider selling as a package to anyone one here if they're interested for the right offer.
