Tints on the Taillights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tints on the Taillights

Alright guys, new idea I have. I want to tint out the taillights without any covers or any sprays. I was thinking if I went and brought out a roll of 35% tints smoke color or black ( I have no idea which one) and stick it on the tail lights how would they look. The main thing I am worried about is the light penetrating through the tints, since this is a legal issue I want to be on the safe side.
My most main concern is the light penetrating through the tints and I would like to ask what percentage would the light go through the tints and would be bright enough. The color isn’t much of a issue but I do want it to look black. I’ve only seen ‘smoke’ colored ones and I want the tints to go through with the color of the body so would the smoked tints on the tint look good?

Sorry for the long post, I’ve got some extra few bucks in my bank account and it’s burning me keeping it in there. Thanks a lot!!!!

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My tail lights are tinted...




Spray tint...You don't want spray tint?

What's the cost of buying a set of painted v. tinting yourself? If you have a set painted, they can be any shade. And you can keep the oem set in the vehicle, if you get stopped, change them if asked. And if you sell them, tinted v. painted, eh... would you be able to sell tinted?

i second the spray tint... very easy


Clean! That's very nice there...

yeah! and the thing is i have had at least ten cops either pull up on me-next to me-behind me and they havent said anything.... when i took it for inspection the guy doin said "they looked sweet" lool of course it passed too.. :D so unless you run into alot of state troopers in your area (99% are assholes :rolleyes:) you wont have any problems

Eh hem, State Troopers are awesome! Wait, CHP, awesome! All they want to do is make sure the red light is present. If not, then you get the 99% :)

Eh hem, State Troopers are awesome! Wait, CHP, awesome! All they want to do is make sure the red light is present. If not, then you get the 99% :)

yeaaaa true... but they will pull you as if they have the rule book super glued to their hands.... my buddy got pulled by one in his 72 chevy for having the stock bumper ...idk. inches off the ground and he gets no problem from town cops.... its like 3 inch body lift and 12'' suspension on 38''s ! lol

ha! that's the thing, when the local cops know you and your vehicle, you can do almost anything; go outside of home, watch out!

yea spray tint is awesome lol, i sprayed my tails and my 3rd brake light. ill try and take some pics in the morning. they look really good on a black truck! but i was wondering something, i want to keep the ford emblems on my truck but i dont want to open them up and paint them. do you think if i sprayed them with nightshades it would tint it alittle bit? maybe a light coat or two. that way its still blue but a shade or two darker and wont stand out so much? just wondering

To answer the other part of the original question- window tint will end up looking like crap. The curves of the tails will not let it lay flat, it will scratch up, start to peel off, chip, etc. as time progresses. Use Nightshades or some other spray tint then clear and buff a few days later to shine them. I've seen some nice tints...

Your only other option is this stuff, and I've heard mixed reviews: CLICK ME It isn't window film, it's a little more flexible, but It really doesn't look as good to me on TV as a well done, clearcoated and buffed spray tint job.

Good luck!

u know, i didnt buff mine if you look up^^^^ but will it make them look THAT much shinyerrr? lol cause i may just go out and get a wheel if it does... i do have a clear coat though..

u know, i didnt buff mine if you look up^^^^ but will it make them look THAT much shinyerrr? lol cause i may just go out and get a wheel if it does... i do have a clear coat though..

it looks a 100 times better if you do! specailly if you wet sand them first with 2000 grit then buff. looks like glass :thumbsup:

mltsaccord is right- it makes them look "factory"

might have to give it a try... right now im just dishin out money for ball joints so it will have to wait a little...

i used a tint spray for RC Cars 4 taillights and 3rd brake light. 3oz can for about $5. Semi Gloss but not to bad. You can get it at most hobby shops. Still had enought tp tint badges (made the chrome like black chrome) +++



To answer the other part of the original question- window tint will end up looking like crap. The curves of the tails will not let it lay flat, it will scratch up, start to peel off, chip, etc. as time progresses. Use Nightshades or some other spray tint then clear and buff a few days later to shine them. I've seen some nice tints...

Good luck!

You are right look at this job. It looks like crap! I'm probably going to end up taking them off sometime this week. I really liked it but I don't want to risk playing with the law if I get them sprayed.

This is with the lights without the any braking light.

You are right look at this job. It looks like crap! I'm probably going to end up taking them off sometime this week. I really liked it but I don't want to risk playing with the law if I get them sprayed.
This is with the lights without the any braking light.

Told you to use spray tint...

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You are right look at this job. It looks like crap! I'm probably going to end up taking them off sometime this week. I really liked it but I don't want to risk playing with the law if I get them sprayed.

This is with the lights without the any braking light.

I wouldn't use the regular spray tint then, since it is really dark. Ghoster has a way to do a mix of black & clear coat, so it isn't as dark. I would try his method.
