tires for 99 ford explorer sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tires for 99 ford explorer sport

I have a 99 explorer sport. I was wanting to go bigger on my tires. A guy at the tire dealership said that I would need a 2in. body lift to fit 31x10.50's on it. Is this true, or will they fit with no lift. I have been looking for a body lift for my explorer but have been unsuccessful. Do they make body lifts for 99 explorer sports? If so where can I find one, if I even need one. And would a body lift leave a gap between my front and rear bumpers? Thanks...

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Please look at the Tire/Wheel FAQ at the top of this forum.

You'll want to do a torsion twist (TT) and shackle lift for just 2", you can use the FAQ and the search feature for more info.

Good luck!

Here's my '99 Sport with 31's and no lift:


The only mod done is some minor trimming of the front bumper cover:


The 31s will definitely fit without a body lift. if you want a good tire wheel deal go to they are fast cheap and easy to get along with.


im fittin 265/75/16 wich i think is closer to a thirty two inch, with no problems, no mods either

hey, i just got 2 265/75/16 , in the rear, but i still have the 255/70/16 on the front ,my truck started to shake alot n make noises, i took it to the shop n they said its beczuse the gear ratio or sumthing like that its screwing up since its 4wd, any advices?, ill get the other 2 bigger tires soon, but can it work god for a while like that??


NO, for a 4x4, all tires NEED to be the same size. The only way to drive like that is to take out the front drive shaft. You will probably break your transfer case driving around with it connected.

on 4wd/AWD, you need to have all tires the same size or you run a high risk of trashing your transfer case especially with the 1.5" difference between your front and back tires

k thanks for the quick reply guys ill go to my old tires, till ill buy the new ones:salute:

what are the biggest tires (tire number) i can put on a ford explorer sport 99 without lifting?

anyone know if a 31x10.5r15 will fit in the spare tire mount?

i just set 265/75 without lifting i dont htink u can set larger than that without lifting as for the spare tire i have a 255/70 i think thats the larger u can set there as well:salute:

btw all the sizes above in R16

looking into 265/75/16 with 16x8.5 wheels -21 offset. can i go 275?
