Tires for a 2" suspension lift. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tires for a 2" suspension lift.


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February 5, 2024
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Sierra Vista, Arizona
City, State
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006, Explorer, XLT
I live in Southern Arizona, and spend most of my days exploring desert roads, if you can call them roads, and driving up in the mountains. I desperately need some extra clearance, so I'm going to be giving "Ruby" a 2" suspension lift this weekend. I have the 16" tires on her now, but I want to switch to a bigger tire. This is only my second lift project, so I wanted to kmow what shoes would best fit her with a 2" suspension lift?

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Just to verify, this is a 4th gen Explorer (2006-2010) yeah? I personally put some oversized tires on mine and was able to fit 265/70/17, which converts to a 265/75/16, with very minor rubbing on the plastic wheel liner at full lock. I however did put a 2.5 inch front lift and 1.75 inch rear lift on mine and now it doesn't really rub as much unless its full lock and slightly loaded on like a curb or driveway. I went with the Traxxas lift kit and they said it can fit 33 inch tires with the provided kit, but take it with a grain of salt to rubbing as 265/70/17 or 265/75/16 come out to just under 32inch overall depending on tire brand.

Here is a picture of mine lifted on those tires

Mounty Lift Side.jpg

Just to verify, this is a 4th gen Explorer (2006-2010) yeah? I personally put some oversized tires on mine and was able to fit 265/70/17, which converts to a 265/75/16, with very minor rubbing on the plastic wheel liner at full lock. I however did put a 2.5 inch front lift and 1.75 inch rear lift on mine and now it doesn't really rub as much unless its full lock and slightly loaded on like a curb or driveway. I went with the Traxxas lift kit and they said it can fit 33 inch tires with the provided kit, but take it with a grain of salt to rubbing as 265/70/17 or 265/75/16 come out to just under 32inch overall depending on tire brand.

Here is a picture of mine lifted on those tires

View attachment 449728
Dude, I freaking love the blackout look!! Thanks for the advise, much appreciated.

Just to verify, this is a 4th gen Explorer (2006-2010) yeah? I personally put some oversized tires on mine and was able to fit 265/70/17, which converts to a 265/75/16, with very minor rubbing on the plastic wheel liner at full lock. I however did put a 2.5 inch front lift and 1.75 inch rear lift on mine and now it doesn't really rub as much unless its full lock and slightly loaded on like a curb or driveway. I went with the Traxxas lift kit and they said it can fit 33 inch tires with the provided kit, but take it with a grain of salt to rubbing as 265/70/17 or 265/75/16 come out to just under 32inch overall depending on tire brand.

Here is a picture of mine lifted on those tires

View attachment 449728
Out of curiosity, this is the TRX-4 long arm kit?

Out of curiosity, this is the TRX-4 long arm kit?
Haha I did not even realize my spelling mistake, I meant to say it was Traxda's Spacer Lift kit, just simple welded spacers that bolt on top of the struts and into the towers, it is kit number #102010 which is 2.5" front and 1.25" rear. Took about 5 hours to install but I live in Michigan and rust is a factory equipped option. Traxda and Truxxx(Who I actually bought through) run the same kit number, but I havent had any problems with the kit besides causing pre mature wearing on a couple parts like UCAs, granted they do have around 40k miles on them.

Haha I did not even realize my spelling mistake, I meant to say it was Traxda's Spacer Lift kit, just simple welded spacers that bolt on top of the struts and into the towers, it is kit number #102010 which is 2.5" front and 1.25" rear. Took about 5 hours to install but I live in Michigan and rust is a factory equipped option. Traxda and Truxxx(Who I actually bought through) run the same kit number, but I havent had any problems with the kit besides causing pre mature wearing on a couple parts like UCAs, granted they do have around 40k miles on them.
Are you using OEM coil springs with the lift kit or did you get after market ones?
