torsion twist/shackle lift and trimming how to | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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torsion twist/shackle lift and trimming how to

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3 is what i got out of the bolts that came stock on my torsion bars when i twisted them. if youre 2WD, you should be good, just make sure you slap some shackles on the back to even it out.

If the factory TB bolts are close to being maxed out get in touch with Todd at Zabteck Technologies he sells longer TB bolts cheap. I have a set that I'm gonna install eventually because my Factory bolts are maxed and the TB are worn out.

Are the any 3 inch shackles or do they just come in the The 2 inch ?

the shackles will vary in how much lift you get out of them depending on your particular rig. the condition of your leaf springs and other factors will determine how much height each install will produce. i think the warrior shackles measure in 10.75" in actual length themselves, i could be wrong on that though. if you plan on doing any actual wheeling, i would suggest going with the warrior shackles, other sets you see for sale on ebay and autozone will snap on you.

Sure is a pretty trac

Well, when mine is built up and trail ready pics will come... I got a lot of work to do tho. I need to get home and wrap up my audio build and make a CAD drawing of this box for all you fine folks who were interested (mainly rebel for all the advice he's given). After that I need to get some new meats and get my exhaust how I want and maybe an XCal... thats my list as of now. :D

Those are next, I gotta put all my audio stuff I already have in tho haha. Its all home in my garage and Im on campus for 2 more weeks! Then I'll be able to install and wire everything.

meats first in my opnion. it makes all the difference in looks and functionality.

That's what she said...:eek::bsnicker::wavey:

You knew someone had to say it. :wavey:

hahahahaha. Ill try and get you a CAD drawing and all the dimensions for the sub box rebel. Im starting the process of moving back home so Ill pick it up this weekend!!

Anybody know where the longest set of shackles are?

That's not necessarily the best way to try to find shackles. Warrior Products' shackles are generally considered the strongest. They're probably the longest, too, but I'm not sure. I know I wouldn't consider any shackles other than Warrior.

Are you aware that the longer shackles are going to weaken and flatten your leaf packs prematurely? Have you heard of leaf packs inverting because of extended shackles?

Have you considered an add-a-leaf?


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So that's what happened to your daughters Jeep. :bsnicker::D

The higher you go on the shackles the more your leafsprings will flatten and get a negative arch to them. If you want more lift then that than get a set or lift springs or add a leaf and shackles. You could always do a SOA.

thats gross....

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I lol'd at the steps on it... might as well take them off so you dont bump ur head
