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Towing question


New Member
February 2, 2013
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Brand new to this forum and I am sure my question has been asked many times before.
I am interested in buying a sport trac 2001-05 with auto transmission and either AWD or 4x4.
I want to be able to dinghy (flat) tow, all 4 down behind my motorhome and I have read many other forums who give out different opinions on this topic. I do not want a drive shaft disconnect only model.


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You would have to buy the expensive kit to be able to do it. It's like 2 grand. I forget who it's made by, I'll see if I can find out who it is. BTW the Sport Trac does not come in AWD.

Check out this website:

It has pretty much all the info on what vehicles can and can't be flat towed and which need kits and which don't.
It looks like you would need the Ford Neutral Tow Kit in order to flat tow the ST which I think will be really hard, but may not be impossible to find.

Just random info, but we tow a Buick Enclave behind our Tour and all you have to do is put it in neutral and pull a fuse. I believe that's the same for all the Lambda Chassis vehicles (Enclave, Acadia, Traverse and Outlook). Also I know that GM's have a trick with their true 4x4 (not AWD) that allows you to flat tow. We can't tow our Escalade EXT but you can tow an Avalanche, Sierra or Tahoe, etc. Unfortunately Ford didn't make the Expedition towable, not really sure about the smaller SUV's though.


Thanks for the info, yes,, I was aware of the towing kit and it is still available at for $249.00. So, aparantly, this is the proper installation to make a 4x4 sport trac towable. On other forums, there was those who stated that this kit was unavailable or that this kit wasn't for the 2001 or 2002 models, but this site says that it is available.

Oh 250 isn't bad at all. I've seen a lot of them run like 1 or 2k. I don't know why the 01s & 02s would be different but it would probably be best to get an 03 or later so it's guaranteed to work.
