Town Fair Tire - 4 wheel alignment? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Town Fair Tire - 4 wheel alignment?


Well-Known Member
March 19, 2006
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City, State
Trumbull, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
So I just 4 new tires mounted and balanced today. Town Fair offers a free front end alignment. However for $50 more or so, you get the 4 wheel alignment, which they align the front wheels to the back wheels with lasers. They also said if I get the front end alignment, and not their laser thing, since I am 4wd, aligning the front will make it worse. Now, I am almost positive that this is BS. Can anyone confirm this?

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the rear alignment on the 1st gens is not adjustable.

They are completely full of shi!t. The only Explorers that might need a 4 wheel alignment is 2002 & up.

{cough} {cough} bullsh!t {cough} {cough}

bull **** and a half

Thanks for confirming this guys. I'll be going back to them this week.

You might want to go to another shop. I'd bet if you get the front end alignment at this shop, halfway into it, they tell you it needs new tie rod ends, and they can't do an alignment without new ones on it.

Well, this alignment is free, so we'll see what happens there first.
