Trans leaking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trans leaking


May 7, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Georgetown ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer
Trans is leaking and I need to find out how to check the fluid level.....thanks guys

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it may be leaking due to overfill to check vehicle should be level and hot remove center core from trans drain plug and wait for a plopping drain from fluid it should not stop draining but it should not be a steady flow this is a stand pipe inside trans and it should be to the top of stand pipe.

So where is the trans fill at?

in the bottom of the trans oil pan it a 7/8 plug with a # 30 torx plug in it

Ok....another question how do you fill it

These transmissions have no fill tube. They must be filled from below by attaching a fitting to the drain "standpipe", and forcing the fluid up into the pan.

Decidedly inconvenient, and, yes, it caused me to swear when I found it out! This is why I fashioned a fill-tube for mine. You can view it in another thread about draining/filling 5R55S trans., try below link. imp

Funny thing is that it never leaked until today.......I was doing about 90...I started seeing smoke slowed down and saw it was is coming from the bell housing so that's the front seal...damn!
