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Trans temp gauge

john cris

Well-Known Member
December 7, 2014
City, State
Lakeport, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 ford explorer XLT
I've got a 5R55W automatic in my 03' explorer, 4.0 SOHC. I want to install a temp gauge to more accurately determine oil temp and be able to monitor it from inside the cab. Where's the best location for the sensor; before the cooler or in the pan? Had the trans rebuilt and was due to fried trans fluid. I don't want to do that ever again.
Thanks for the help,
Also, why is there a range (80-120 degrees) specified to check oil temp? I mean were just talking normal operating temp, right?

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I am not positive, but I think the transmission in your truck has a temp sender which reports temperature to the PCM. It should be very accurate.

You can purchase a scangauge 2 which will monitor transmission temps. It will also come in handy for reading, clearing codes. Since it is mainly plug and play, it just seems more cost effective to me. Not to mention no holes or leaks to worry about later.

Back when we had the black Mountaineer ( Turdle) , we actually had both a mechanical gauge and scangauge installed, the displayed temps were right on with each other, give or take. The scangauge was actually quicker to respond though, for what it's worth.

From what I've read that's exactly right. I've just been toying with the idea of not having to buy a tool that will only get used rarely. Be good to have though.
I'll have to check around for one that isn't too pricey and is decent.

agreed, I picked up an ELM327 and Forscan and am amazed by it really. its the cheapest and easiest solution without dropping the pan etc.,.,

Does the ELM 327 show trans temp

Just ordered one through Amazon $22 Very cool
Thanks for the tip

they do. just make sure you get one with v1.5 and not 2.1 i think. it doesnt work with a lot of the software out there. for $22 it sounds like you got a good one.

the software packages are the ones that will show whatever the PCM has to show them and the unit. one being temp of trans fluid amongst other things.

Just got the elm 327 scan tool (v 1.5) and for the life of I can't get it to show trans temp. I got the app for OBD car doctor and the pro version upgrade and still nothing. What am I messing up?

usually there is a "PID" area where you have to add the certain "performance indicator displays" to the graph area to see them and usually there is a "start" or "start logging" button - a "play" button so to speak.

Thanks man for hanging in there with me. I got it working with the Forscan app and it's really nice. By chance do you know why the trans level needs to be checked within a certain temp range (80-120) ?

ATF expands when hot, if you check it cold then it will show up as low which you'll end up filling it up and eventually over-filling it. over-filling can cause aeration which is similar to under filling.
