Trees fight back or try like hell! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trees fight back or try like hell!

I went out wheeling today and a downed tree took a swipe at my X. :eek: I had no problem going over it the first time, but coming back through that ******* came up swinging, ripped my front license pate off, bent my antenna, and then sucker punched my passenger side mirror. :fire: I was like, Uhn-Uhn, Oh-no you didn't. I took my mini-chainsaw out and melee'd it's ass. :p At least till I ran out of gas, :mad: then I go out my battery powered sawzall and finish the job. I hope it gets cold again so I can burn his ass up in the wood stove in my garage. :p When I got home I also found out that I had ripped a souvenir off that putz. I had part of a branch sticking out from between my hood and grille. :D


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hahah that kinda sux...but atleast you took it you even need a front kisence plate in VT?...if not it did you a favor....but that sux about the mirror.

In VT both license plates have to be visible; otherwise, have to be on the exterior of the vehicle. I received a ticket for having one of my plates in the back window because the rear screw holes on my Jeep were stripped.

I see it didn't break the mirrior though. I have a pasanger one that is just missing the mirror I'll sell you cheap ;)

Don't need it, Gorilla Glue and electrical tape does wonders. Zip Ties do a good job as license plate holders too! Later - Nate

sorrry bout the damage, funny story though!! gotta watch out for them trees, they'll gang up on you when you least expect it!

Wow, you have nice trees up there in VT. You should see how nasty our trees are up here in the PacNorWest!

hey show, remeber when i got stuck on the side of the road and ripped my mirror off. oh yeah you rolled over too. :D

That sucks.

But I like the wheel and tire combo. Looks great on the X. :thumbsup:

Actually forward in my case! The tree branch came up from underneath my X to hit my mirror in a quasi forward motion. I was really stoke it didn't break my mirror glass. Later - Nate
