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Truck Haven Thanksgiving '09

are we talking about the weekend after thanksgiving, the 28, 29?

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are we talking about the weekend after thanksgiving, the 28, 29?

Most people head out as soon as there done eating Turkey. Gives you a 3 day weekend;)

I am in for sure then...Now the projects start!

Get that locker in the rear. :D You did a great job following us around. Just remember bring lunch on the trail with ya :p:

Not sure if the locker will get done but sliders will definately be first and I will never forget food again, that was an adventure finding you guys again:)

Not sure if the locker will get done but sliders will definately be first and I will never forget food again, that was an adventure finding you guys again:)

Belive it or not your old tupperware you riped off will give you some protection. If you still have it, I would leave it on till you get sliders

Belive it or not your old tupperware you riped off will give you some protection. If you still have it, I would leave it on till you get sliders

Surprisingly true. I can attest to this after following Stic-o and others over various terrain and coming back with both very little body damage AND very little trim remaining ;):thumbsup:.

/me still waiting on sliders as well :(

FWIW, I put aside the money I was supposed to be paid last weekend (sadly not soon enough for the last Truckhaven) for Thanksgiving, so any unforseen family obligations aside, I should be there for this one :thumbsup:

Belive it or not your old tupperware you riped off will give you some protection. If you still have it, I would leave it on till you get sliders
Those are going on next week i hope, i have to see if my friend is available to weld for me

Woo Hoo!

I am pretty sure I can make this one!

Got the towbar hook up done, a cage done, lights done, just need to fix a few minor details and it's a runner!


...Fixed it for ya...:D

Probably won't make this one after all. Have to work that weekend.

Well, I just found out I have to work Sunday. We should be out there early Saturday morning, with two Jeeps, for the day. My RV is getting very lonely out in the back yard.

I'm out, the water heater in the house died, so I have to spend all my gas money on replacing that.

Well, I just found out I have to work Sunday.

If you get bored at work, you could come by Matt's and read me the riot act in front of the local Sheriff neighbor.:D

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Tracy and I will probably be out for the day on Saturday. Not sure if it will be my truck, her jeep, or both. Probably her jeep seeing how last trip we took my truck.
